05 March 2012

Book Review: Ripper by Amy Carol Reeves

Author: Amy Carol Reeves
Reading Level: YA
Genre: Historical Fiction/Fantasy
Release Date: April 8th 2012
Review Source: Flux @ALA Midwinter
Available: Amazon

Summary: (from Amy Carol Reeves website) In 1888, following her mother's sudden death, seventeen-year-old Arabella Sharp goes to live with her grandmother in a posh London neighborhood. At her grandmother's request, Abbie volunteers at Whitechapel Hospital, where she discovers a passion for helping the unfortunate women and children there.

But within days, female patients begin turning up brutally murdered at the hands of Jack the Ripper. Even more horrifying, Abbie starts having strange visions that lead her straight to the Ripper's next massacres. As her apparent psychic connection with the twisted killer grows stronger, Abbie is drawn into a deadly mystery involving the murders, her mother's shadowed past, and a secret brotherhood of immortals—who'll stop at nothing to lure Abbie into its "humanitarian" aims.

Just the title alone of this book grabbed my attention when I attended ALA Midwinter. This book was pretty entertaining once I got past the first few pages that were just a bit slow. Once the Ripper came into play, I was intrigued. I like the twist that Amy created to the tale of the Ripper. For those that love reading historical, you will LOVE this book. Amy gives vivid details of 1888 London.

Ripper follow the tale of Arabella (I love the name Amy gave tho character) in 1888 London. Arabella has no choice but to live with her grandmother after the murder of her mother. Now she has to get accustom to the way the rich live and how not to taint her grandmother's name. When Arabella was living with her mother, they were living in Dublin amongst the working class and learning to defend herself on the streets. So Arabella is a girl not to be messed with, something her grandmother frowns upon. So whether grandmother tells her she will be working at Whitechapel hospital so she can learn to appreciate the class she now lives in, Arabella practically jumps on the idea. She will finally be able to get out of the house and her grandmother eyes. One thing about Whitechapel hospital you should know is that it treats mainly prostitutes. So the upper end of London tends to ignore or overlook this part of town where the hospital is in. Now Arabella begins her job and she actually loves doing it, so she tells her grandmother she will continue to go. So how will Arabella's grandmother react when patients from the hospital turn up murdered and they begin to say its a serial killer? The killer has even been given the name of Jack the Ripper.

What I enjoyed is that Amy gives Arabella visions and there are paranormal elements. It's not your typical historical romance, so if your not a history buff, you can read it too. Overall Ripper is a quick and fun read.


  1. Great review! I love historical fiction so I think I'm going to like this book :) The title alone also grabs my attention and I just can't seem to get enough of stories having to do with Jack the Ripper!

    Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

  2. This book sounds awesome! I love anything Ripper related and adding the paranormal aspect is a great touch. I'm also very interested because you mentioned that the book is rich in historical detail :) Thanks for the intro to the book, I wouldn't have stumbled onto it otherwise!

    -Kate the Book Buff
    The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular People
