15 March 2012

Interview/Ebook Release/Future Blog Tour: Jamie Manning Author of Blood Born

Hey everyone! Thanks for checking out this post today. Today we are celebrating the release of Jamie Manning's eBook release of Blood Born. Blood Born is his debut novel in The Blood Prophecy Trilogy. Then on April 24th the release of the hardcover will take place. Starting April 2nd - April 13th, Once Upon a Twilight will be hosting Jamie's blog tour. 

So to celebrate Blood Born going live, Jamie took time out to answer some fun questions today. During the Blog tour there will be reviews, interviews and giveaways that you won't want to miss. 

Jamie Manning Links: Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter

OUaT: Hi Jamie, Welcome to your first pre-tour post on the blog. So tell us how those nerves are doing as you get closer to your release day?

Thanks so much for having me...and for hosting my blog tour! Nerves? Eh, what nerves? I'm as calm as a lobster on a kitchen counter. ;-P

OUaT: What are you most excited about the upcoming blog tour?

I'm most excited to meet the wonderful bloggers who have agreed to stomach their way through my book--that's gonna be quite a feat! lol Seriously, though, I am excited to meet tons of new people and to get to share some of the inside info on the world I created!

OUaT: WIll your trip to BEA in June be your first time in NY? if so what are you looking forward to doing or visiting?

It will be! Well, sort of. I've driven through NYC a couple times, but this will be the first time I actually get to stay for a bit! Honestly, the most exciting thing for me is actually being at BEA. I can't wait to hang out with the other great authors at Pendrell and talk shop with them and bloggers/book lovers from all over. But I do hope I get to see Lady Liberty up close and in person. Oh, and Alcatraz!

OUaT: Tell us 5 things on your bucket list?

I don't really have a bucket list--so I'm creating one right now! :)
1. Go to NYC (done!)
2. Get published (done!)
3. Skydive
4. Visit Egypt
5. Own a no-kill animal shelter (my ultimate dream--I am a HUGE animal lover!)

Now we jump to lighting round:

Vampires or Werewolves?
 Um, vampires, of course! :)
He-man or Transformers?  He-man all the way! (I wanted to be him when I was a kid!)
Coffee or Coke?  Coke. Diet. NOW. ;-P
Red or Black?  Black
Books or Ebooks?  Absolutely books!
Twilight or Harry Potter?  Twilight! Team Edcob! ;-P
Once Upon a Twilight or Once Upon a Twilight?  Um...is this a typo? haha! Of course OUaT! <3

Thanks so much, Yara...this was fun!

Thank you Jamie, your answers were Great! So there you have a bit of fun information on Jamie. Keep look out for the blog tour for Blood Born. Its going to be a lot of fun. Will also host a live chat with Jamie in April. So April will be Blood Born month you can say.  

A little bit more info on Jamie and a new trilogy he just got signed to write. CLICK HERE to read all about it! Congrats Jamie!!

1 comment:

  1. SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!! I've been a stalker of his for quite some time now and I cannot wait!! This is sure to be fun! LOVED this interview! All interviews should be just like this one!
    Looking forward to the book too!!!!!!
