
Author Interview & Giveaway: In Honor Author Jessi Kirby

Today I(Yara) am super excited to share with you all this interview with Author Jessi Kirby. Jessi is the author of last year's Moonglass and this year's In Honor. I am a huge fan of Kirby's work, and so honored to have her on the blog today. Enjoy!!!

Jessi Kirby: Website / Goodreads / Twitter / Facebook 

Author Bio: Jessi Kirby is the author of Moonglass, published in May 2011 by Simon and Schuster. She is also a former English teacher and librarian, wife, mom, beach lover, runner, and lover of Contemporary YA, strong coffee, and dark chocolate. In that order.

Jessi’s second novel, In Honor, will be released in May 8th 2012.

OUaT: We are so excited to have you on the blog today. In Honor is your new release coming out this May 8, what was your biggest inspiration to pen this story together? 

This story began with a few very general ideas and LOTS of inspirational conversations with my husband who is the best ever at story ideas. Originally I told him I wanted to write a brother and sister story and that I wanted it to include a road trip. The idea of Finn's letter, and of Honor taking his P.S. as a last request and going on this quest to honor him evolved from there.

OUaT: Moonglass, In Honor and Golden are all your books that are released or future releases. Do the three novels have anything in common or similarities they might share?

There is one character from MOONGLASS who makes an appearance in both IN HONOR and GOLDEN, but I'll let you spot her. As far as other similarities, the thing I hope to do in every book I write is tell a story with heart, so I hope that's something that's in all of them!

OUaT: In your book In Honor the main characters name is Honor. Can you tell us a little on why or how you came to picking that name?

My agent was actually the first person to suggest it, and I think it may have actually been kind of an offhand suggestion at that. But once I heard it, I loved it because of how many ways it relates to the story. Honor takes the trip in honor of her brother, but it's also about what she finds within herself. I also hope that through Honor, Finn, and Rusty, the reader can see different ways of being honorable.

OUaT: When you write your books, I feel that you have poured your heart into them. Have you while writing laughed, cried or just screamed? How do you continue on after having a reaction to what you just wrote?

Wow, thank you! That's the best thing I could hope for in a reader! Conveying strong emotion is one of the most important things to me when I write, and I don't think that can happen without feeling it myself. So yes, there have been times during the writing process where I've listened to the same sad song over and over until I felt sad enough to write a hard, emotional scene. Alternately, some of my favorites to write are the flirty fun ones because those are the ones I get to laugh at while I'm writing. Lucky for me, I have a secluded little shack where I do all of this so I'm the only one to witness it!

OUaT: I know of friends who have lost a family member overseas and the way you describe Honor's reaction to losing he brother is pretty accurate to how some have reacted. How much research or personal experience did you have to dig or open up too for writing In Honor?

Thankfully, this is not a personal experience for me. I haven't lost a family member overseas, but I have seen the effects of that experience on people I know. I have an enormous amount of respect for military members and what their families go through, and I was very concerned with portraying that aspect of the story as genuinely and respectfully as possible, so I did a lot of related reading. I read countless articles, interviews, and news stories. So many personal ones that were so sad and inspiring at the same time. I came away from writing this book with an even deeper respect for these people and their families.

OUaT: One of my the funniest parts of In Honor is when you describe the attire Texas girl's wear. Which is Dresses with cowboy boots. Have you worn this cute outfit? 

Hahaha, yes, I have and I do, quite a lot. If I'm not on the beach, then I am most likely wearing boots and a dress, as I love that look.

OUaT: You describe a few amazing activities that Honor does while on this road trip, are they real places one can visit? If so have you tried any of them yet?

Yes! Almost all of the places Honor and Rusty visit are real. I saw The Blue Hole, a place where they dive, in one of my husband's diving magazines and knew I wanted to include it in the story. I haven't been yet, but plan to one day. I did take a 'research' trip to Sedona and Flagstaff with my mom and my sister, where we took a sunrise jeep tour, found the prettiest swimming hole, and danced the night away at the best cowboy bar ever. It's called The Museum Club, is in Flagstaff, and it really does have a dime beer night!

OUaT: If you had to choose a chapter or sentence from In Honor as your favorite, do you have one in mind?

Ooh, that's tough. I don't think I can choose a sentence, but the first chapter that springs to mind is the one that takes place in the country bar with Rusty, Honor, and a few too many shots of tequila.

OUaT: If you were Honor, what concert or artist would you drive cross country for?

Taylor Swift. Without a doubt.

OUaT: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Still writing, and still ecstatic to be doing so!


How was that for an interview. What great answers. Make sure you visit Jessi and say hello, and let her know you loved her interview today. In Honor releases May 8th. You can pre-order HERE

Now to win an signed ARC copy of In Honor today all you have to do is follow the rafflecopter instructions below. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Loved the interview! I loved Moonglass and am try much looking forward to In Honor. Thanks for the interview & giveaway!

  2. I thought the interview was great! Thank you for the giveaway.

  3. I've been hearing great things about this book! I'll definitely have to check it out.

  4. Great interview! I loved Moonglass and look forward to this book. And I love road trip books, so hearing most of the places are real is even more exciting. Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. I absolutely adored Moonglass. The interview was good. Thanks for the giveaway.

  6. Loved the interview!! I'm so excited to read more from Jessi Kirby...I really enjoyed Moonglass!!

  7. I thought the interview was great I loved it ! Thank you for the giveaway.

  8. It was great been dying to read this book for so long thank you :Dx

  9. That's a great interview! I can't wait to read the book!

  10. Fantastic interview! I really want to go to The Blue Hole. It would be so cool. I wouldn't mind visiting The Museum Club either. :)

  11. Great Interview! It's really interesting! I've been waiting so long for this book! :)

  12. I love it! That's so neat that there's a recurring character. I can't wait to spot who it is.

  13. i loved learning more about Jessi and look forward to reading this book!

    catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

  14. It was a really informative interview!!

  15. I loved the interview! and ever since I read Saving June I've always wanted to read more road trip books so I definitly want this one!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  16. Incredible:) I always love to read interviews but this one was really awesome:) I can't wait for In Honor! :)

  17. Thanks for the interview!! *___*
    makes me really NEED to read Moonglass!! so I can spot the character in the book T_T!!!

    Thanks for the interview!!!!& giveaway!

    ps. I've been in love with this cover since forever!

  18. Great interview! I can't wait to read this book. I'm so excited for the release. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  19. A wonderful interview, I can't wait to read the book. Thanks for the giveaway. '-)

  20. I enjoyed the interview thank you. I particularly liked the question about the character name Honor.

  21. Loved the interview! that was really interesting, make me want read this book. Hope i am lucky:)

  22. Awesome interview! I am so excited to read this book

  23. Great interview. Thx 4 the chance!

    ctymice at gmail dot com

  24. Great interview! I like how the author has one character hidden in her other two novels. Thanks!

  25. I loved the interview, any interview is funny and interesting and you find out stuff is so great that you have this interviews on your blog. I hope the giveaway is international :)
    thanks xoxo

  26. The interview makes me want to read In Honor even more if that's possible. I really really want to read In Honor, Moonglass was amazing and I think her work can only get better.

    My Heart Hearts Books

  27. Great interview. I will definitely be picking this one up. Loved Moonglass and Jessi's writing. Who said Road Trip? They are the best to take and read! Thanks for the giveaway!

  28. Thanks for the great interview. I love getting to discover new authors. I have not read any of her works but would love to now. :)

  29. As for Kirby's little shack, was it not Virginia Woolf who said that a woman must have a room of her own if she is to write fiction? And I love her idea of including real places in her books; I'm sure having done that will make In Honor stand out. I'm certainly excited for it!

  30. great interview!

    I loved the name Honor, that was my favorite middle school teacher's name ;) <3

    I mentioned this before, but I'd say it again: In Honor, to me, is like THE perfect idea for a book, I cannot wait to read it <333

  31. Wow, what a great interview! I absolutely loved hearing all about In Honor as well as her other books! My favorite is how a lot of the places they visit in the novel are real! I would love to visit some of those places, especially after reading the book. :) In Honor seems like a fantastic book; I have heard all about it and cannot wait to get my own copy! It would be amazing to win, so best of luck to all who enter. Thanks again for the awesome interview and generous giveaway! :)

  32. great interview. i'd drive across the country for taylor swift too.

    -michelle s.

  33. Yay! Great interview! And I totally agree - I'd wear boots and a dress every day if I could, too. ;-)

  34. Ooh, lovely interview! Jessi sounds like such a sweetheart. And I LOVE that she's a fan of Taylor Swift! <3

  35. What a great interview. This sounds like a great book, I hadn't heard of it until today, but it's definitely on my TBR list now :)

  36. Loved the interview! My favorite question was about her emotions and reactions when writing In Honor. I thought her response was great!! I can't wait to read this book!

  37. I've never heard of Moonglass before so I'll have to check that out before I read In Honor!

  38. I loved it :) I read Moonglass last year and loved it and I've been waiting for her next release so I can't wait to read this one!

  39. I think the interview was great. This book sounds wonderful. Thanks for having this giveaway.

  40. Great interview! I am super excited for In Honor, and I love knowing how the title came about.

  41. Moonglass is STILL on my TBR list, but I'm hoping to start it soon since I'm practically DYING to read this one! Loved the interview, btw!

  42. Great interview, I can't wait to read this book it sounds like great summer read for a roadtrip!

  43. I really enjoyed this interview and I can't wait to read In Honor! ^_^


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