
Book Review: Archangel's Kiss by Nalini Singh

Archangel's Kiss
Guild Hunter #2
Author: Nailini Singh
Reading Level: Adult
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Released: Febrarry 2nd 2010
Review Source: Paperbackswap
Available: Amazon

Summary: (from goodreads) Vampire hunter Elena Deveraux wakes from a year-long coma to find that she has become an angel-and that her lover, the stunningly dangerous archangel Raphael, likes having her under his control. But almost immediately, Raphael must ready Elena for a flight to Beijing, to attend a ball thrown by the archangel Lijuan. Ancient and without conscience, Lijuan's power lies with the dead. And she has organized the most perfect and most vicious of welcomes for Elena...

Elena has been in an induced healing coma, after being mortally wounded on the previous installment. Raphael's love and refusal to loose her brought, what the archangels call ambrosia and while he was kissing her turned her into an angel. Finally awake after a year, she has to learn fast to be an angel when expected to attend a ball being given in her honor by the oldest of the Archangels. This archangels penchant for the dead, has become a sore point between the Cadre, and is expected that this is not going to be an ordinary ball. In attendance to this ball are those who want her dead, so her ability to defend and project a strong front will be a necessity for her own and Raphael's sake. Since the killing of the roque archangel, the empty position has become a instant power struggle for those who want to fill the void.
Elena's special ability becomes necessary once again to help find the one that has been undermining the Archangels against each other and crossed a sacred threshold when one of their child is kidnapped and torture. As expected this only add to the list of those that want her dead at no cost or consequence. During this book we learn more about Raphael's and Elena's past and their constant fear of becoming those they hunt if they loose control, so they pledge to become each other rock when necessary.
Elena's desperate need to learn to fly is not all work related, it is the last step to be able to consummate her love with Raphael and finally become one.

In this world Nalini could be considered the Archangel of the followers of the Guild series, she has a hold on you and you become her captive audience until this story is told and she releases you only until the next one comes along..

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