Do you want to join the bravest faction of them all? If so, now is the time! We are recruiting members to be part of our faction and help spread the word about Team Dauntless.
What is Team Dauntless?
The Dauntless are brave, courageous, determined, and strong. They are not afraid to jump into battle and take risks. Tris took a risk by joining the Dauntless faction and she soon faced her fears and became one of the strongest members. Four also knew that the Dauntless faction was where he belonged. Do you want to find your inner strength? This is where you need to be!
What does the Street Team do?
The street team is a vital part of the faction. Members will be helping us spread the word about the Dauntless faction and about Divergent Nation. You can tweet, facebook, blog, etc. about the team and the events going on. There are several giveaways (a new one each day) so re-tweeting and using the hashtags #TeamDauntless, #DauntlessFaction and #DivergentNation with the link will be important. We will also be posting new assignments each week. I will email those to members as they are available. So, are you up for the challenge?
What do Street Team members get?
Street Team members will have special buttons and badges they can place on their blogs. If you'd like, please also post them as your avatar, facebook image, or anywhere else you see fit. We have several images that can be posted on Pinterest as well. If you do post images and want to know where to link it to, please use . In addition, street team members will be signed up to win a copy of INSURGENT. This will be open internationally! And, each week we will be featuring the brave members who sign up for our faction. The form below has a question "Why do you want to join the Dauntless faction?" and we will feature those answers in a weekly post on the team members' blogs. Please include your blog URL/name so we can link to your page. If you do not have a blog, please link your twitter or facebook URL and we will link that.
How do I sign up?
Just fill out the form below. This will automatically enter you into the INSURGENT giveaway (International). Fill out the question in the form and I will email you when you are featured on the blogs.
Please remember!
Addicted 2 Novels
Anna Reads
Confessions of a Bookaholic
Divergent Nation
Good Books & Good Wine
Once Upon a Twilight
PageTurner's Blog
Lindsay Cummings
Tales of the Ravenous Reader
Divergent Fans

Please email me or one of the other members listed above if you have any questions.
Street Team First AssignmentHow do I sign up?
Just fill out the form below. This will automatically enter you into the INSURGENT giveaway (International). Fill out the question in the form and I will email you when you are featured on the blogs.
Please remember!
- We will be posting new assignments regularly. Those assignments will be emailed to you.
- Please use the hash tags #TeamDauntless, #Dauntlessfaction, and #DivergentNation with the link
- Remember to grab a button/badge for your blog and/or avatars!
- Keep an eye out for new giveaways that will be posted each day.
- You will be featured in a Street Team post with your answer from the form below.
Addicted 2 Novels
Anna Reads
Confessions of a Bookaholic
Divergent Nation
Good Books & Good Wine
Once Upon a Twilight
PageTurner's Blog
Lindsay Cummings
Tales of the Ravenous Reader
Divergent Fans
Now that you have taken the plunge, grab a button and badge and start spreading the word!
(Transparent Backgrounds)

You are now part of the DAUNTLESS team! Start spreading the word and you will be hearing from us soon.
Please email me or one of the other members listed above if you have any questions.
We will be tweeting with the hashtag #IfIWasFearless this week. Please tweet that tag with the #DivergentNation tag and link then tell everyone what you would do if you were fearless.
#IfIWasFearless I would sky dive! Be brave, face your fears and choose #TeamDauntless ! #DivergentNation
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