30 May 2012

Blog Tour: Night Sky by Jolene Perry Review

Welcome to the next stop in Jolene Perry's Night Sky blog tour. The tour is hosted by Tribute Books. You can follow the full tour by clicking HERE. Today we bring you our review for Night Sky. 

Jolene Perry Links: Website / Blog / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter

Author Bio: Jolene grew up in Wasilla, Alaska. She graduated from Southern Utah University with a degree in political science and French, which she used to teach math to middle schoolers.

After living in Washington, Utah and Las Vegas, she now resides in Alaska with her husband, and two children. Aside from writing, Jolene sews, plays the guitar, sings when forced, and spends as much time outside as possible.

She is also the author of The Next Door Boys and the upcoming Knee Deep.

Night Sky
Author: Jolene Perry 
Reading Level: YA
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Released: March 1st 2012
Review Source: Tribute Books
Available: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / PDF
Night Sky Website

Summary: (from Tribute Books) After losing Sarah, the friend he’s loved, to some other guy, Jameson meets Sky. Her Native American roots, fluid movements, and need for brutal honesty become addictive fast. This is good. Jameson needs distraction – his dad leaves for another woman, his mom’s walking around like a zombie, and Sarah’s new boyfriend can’t keep his hands off of her.

As he spends time with Sky and learns about her village, her totems, and her friends with drums - she's way more than distraction. Jameson's falling for her fast.

But Sky’s need for honesty somehow doesn’t extend to her life story – and Jameson just may need more than his new girl to keep him distracted from the disaster of his senior year.

Before I begin this review, I want to make everyone aware of Tribute Books. They publish eBooks for independent writers, mostly YA genre. This small little company has some great books that everyone should check out, including Jolene Perry's other works such as Knee Deep. So check them out today!!!

Night Sky is one of few books I have read in the male POV. Its takes a bit of getting used to when stories our told from the guy's side. So many YA or even adult books are purely female pov's and you get used to that, so I guess it is a bit refreshing to read it from the other side. That being said though, you connect with Jameson in Night Sky. Jolene wrote him so that he was very believable and easy to follow as a character. Jolene does a great job creating Jameson and showing us in words how he transforms or matures up. Pretty much every single character in Night Sky, is well written and balanced out with one another. They read like real people who you can possibly know in real life. 

So we have Jameson, he is 18 years old and completely head over heals in love with Sarah. I think we all knew a boy or two that felt lie that for us in school. He has been for as long as he can remember. He is that guy that is soooo in love that he sort of acts like her personal puppy dog, he helps her with anything she might need or want. Their friendship is very strong but Jameson just looks on to the future and hopes any days now she will finally come around and becomes his. Ha! Not the easy folks. Sarah finds someone else and its definitely not Jameson. This crushes him so deep, his world pretty much feels like it ends. Now don't give up on poor Jameson, one day he runs into Sky. Sky intrigues him like Sarah never did. He will now face a battle of feelings between what he has always felt for Sarah and what is brewing inside now for the wild Sky. All this begins to take off during certain events in his life that he is deep in the middle off and will have to deal with as well. 

If you are in a mood to read a coming of age story about love and life, then read Night Sky. Jolene's voice in Night Sky will warm everyone's heart. Now if your looking for a super intense non-stop action read then Night Sky is not for you, but I bet if you read it you'll be surprised how much you'll like it. 


  1. Yara, thanks for the review and your kind words! :)

  2. Great review! I LOVE Jolene Perry's writing!
