10 May 2012

Blog Tour: Untouched Author Jus Accardo Interview + Giveaway

Welcome to the next stop in Jus Accardo's Blog tour for UNTOUCHED. Untouched is part of the Denazen series written by Jus. The first in the series is Touch. Untouched takes place in-between Touch and the sequel Toxic, that comes out in September 11th 2012. 

Jus Accardo Links: Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter

Author Bio: Jus Accardo is the author of YA paranormal romance and urban fantasy fiction. A native New Yorker, she lives in the middle of nowhere with her husband, three dogs, and sometimes guard bear, Oswald. Her first book, Touch, is available now from Entangled Publishing. She is represented by Kevan Lyon of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency.

Add Untouched to your TBR pile on Goodreads

Untouched (A Denazen Novella 1.5):
Until he met Dez, Kale’s days were filled with violence and death. He was used as a weapon of destruction by the power hungry men of Denazen. He’s a Six. A person with an abnormal ability. Some people call them gifts, but not Kale. Kale’s touch means instant death.

But now there’s Dez, the girl he can touch, and they’re hunting down Sixes and warning them about Denazen. Kale is learning about the world outside captivity and trying to put his dark past behind him. But they underestimated how badly Denazen wanted him back.

When Dez sacrifices herself to save the new Six they’d rescued from falling into the corp’s hands, Kale is lost. Denazen has brought out its best to get the job done. Samsen, a nightmare from Kale’s past—the only person he’s ever truly feared—has come for them, and it soon becomes obvious he has his own twisted agenda.

Kale will need all his training to get Dez back and ensure they make it out, free—and alive. But will it be enough?

Touch, the first novel in the Denazen series, is set to re-release in mass market on June 12th (Complete with additional scenes from Kale’s POV!). You can pre-order your copy here

Toxic (Denazen 2) hits shelves on September 11th 2012. As a thank you to those who pre-order, Jus is giving away a book plate and magnet of choice (Touch, Untouched, or Toxic) Get the details here.

OUaT: Welcome back to OUaT. So we know what Kale is capable of doing. If you could not touch anyone, what would be the one touch you would miss?

Thanks for having me back again!

I think if I had to pick one thing I’d miss most, it would be hugs. I’m Italian. I don’t think it’s possible for us to survive without hugging…

OUaT: What would be your super power of choice and could you really live with that choice for as long as you live?

Hmm… If I got to pick? I would totally be able to mimic!

OUaT: If your super power were discovered would you then start wearing a super hero type costume? would you stay hidden or let the world see what you can do?

I don’t think I’d really look that good in red or yellow spandex… And the cape thing? Yeah… Not a fashion statement I could pull off. I’d probably trip over it. I’d have to stay hidden. Without that whole secret identity thing working for me, I’d probably get no peace.

I can see it now. Hey! I’m short on rent money this month. Can you mimic me a stack of 50s? Better yet, make it 100s… Or, My boyfriend is boring. Can you mimic him into someone cool? Robert Pattinson or maybe that weird guy from Borat…?

OUaT: If Kale had the option to pick a different power, what would he choose?

If Kale had the choice, I think he would choose his mother’s ability. Where he takes life, she gave it.

OUaT: Can you tease us about Untouched in 10 words or less???

Kale faces a nightmare from his past to save Dez

Lighting round:
Mountains or Beach? Mountains!
Sunrise or Sunset? Hmm… Like Kale, I’m torn on this one. I like them both.
Log cabin or High-Rise building? Log cabin
Wheeties or Lucky Charms? Ick. Neither ;) Pancakes!
Rain or Sunshine? Sunshine

Thanks Jus for those great answers, we always love it when you stop by and talk about Kale. Now thanks to Entangled Publishing, we can offer today either a ebook copy of Untouched (book 1.5) or Touch (book 1) to a reader. Look below on how to enter. Happy Reading!

To Enter:
  • Fill out the Form below
  • US Giveaway
  • Giveaway ends Friday May 20th at midnight
  • Must be 13 years or older to enter
  • Read our Giveaway policy HERE
  • Do not leave email or any personal information below

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I've heard such fantastic things about this one. I've been meaning to read it for months!

  2. I love when a cute guy is on a cover!!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. Thanks fo the giveaway. I'm interested in the story. email : neng.rachma@rocketmail.com

  4. Aww how lovely that he said he would miss hugs!

  5. I would love to win Touch (Book 1)! Thanks for the giveaway!


  6. thank you! Sunsets are better!

  7. Wow So Many Wonderful Things Ive Heard about This Book I Gotta Have It. butterfli262002@yahoo.com

  8. I just barely received Touch in the mail and I can't wait to read it. It sounds like a fantastic book! :)

  9. Sounds like a great book, Thx 4 the chance.

    ctymice at gmail dot com

  10. I cant believe I still haven't read this. I have heard such good things about it. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy!

  11. I too have heard really good things about this series, and haven't had a chance to read them. I would love to win a copy. Thanks for the opportunity!

  12. Thank you for the great giveaway!

  13. I just got Touched and can't wait to read it! I would love to win Untouched!


  14. Sounds like a sweet read. Defintely have to add it to the list! Thanks for the opportunity!

  15. Great interview! I love the answer about hugging and being Italian! ;)
    Thank you for the opportunity to read one of these.
