05 May 2012

Book Review: Delirium & Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver + Dark Days stop in Miami

Delirium #1
Author: Lauren Oliver
Reading Level: YA
Genre: Dystopian
Released: August 2nd 2011(Special Edition)
Review Source: Purchased
Available: Amazon
OUaT Reviews: Yara's / Deitre's / Jenny's
Summary: (from goodreads) Ninety-five days, and then I’ll be safe.

I wonder whether the procedure will hurt.

I want to get it over with.

It’s hard to be patient.

It’s hard not to be afraid while I’m still uncured, though so far the deliria hasn’t touched me yet.

Still, I worry.

They say that in the old days, love drove people to madness.

The deadliest of all deadly things: It kills you both when you have it and when you don’t.

Delirium #2
Author: Lauren Oliver
Pages: 375 Hardcover
Reading Level: YA
Release Date: March 6th 2012
Review Source: Loaned
Available: Amazon

OUaT Reviews: Yara's 

Summary: (from goodreads) I’m pushing aside the memory of my nightmare,
pushing aside thoughts of Alex,
pushing aside thoughts of Hana and my old school,
like Raven taught me to do.
The old life is dead.
But the old Lena is dead too.
I buried her.
I left her beyond a fence,
behind a wall of smoke and flame.

Lauren Oliver delivers an electrifying follow-up to her acclaimed New York Times bestseller, delirium. This riveting, brilliant novel crackles with the fire of fierce defiance, forbidden romance, and the sparks of a revolution about to ignite.

DELIRIUM REVIEW: First I am going to say that the only thing I regret about this book is “taking so long to read it!!” It’s been out for a while now and I had heard only great things about it, but never really had gotten around to reading it. Then THE DARK DAYS Tour came to Books and Books in Coral Gables, Florida, which is about an hour drive from my house and I had heard that Lauren was going to be there. Well, my fellow reviewer Jenny and I drove there and had the pleasure of meeting Lauren. She is absolutely wonderful; funny, sweet and very down to earth. Jenny and I waited until everyone got their books signed so we could take our time chatting with Ms. Oliver. Here are some pictures Jenny and I took while at the signing.

Now on to the review, but first I want to talk about the cover. What can I say about the cover? It’s absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! Lena is on the cover and she is so gorgeous. Delirium is one of those books that grab you from the very first sentence and takes you to another world - the world of Lauren Oliver, and what a wonderful and chaotic world that is. She is absolutely brilliant. This isn’t your normal love story. Actually, this is a book where love is viewed as something bad, repulsive and contagious – a disease.

Only a few months away until Lena is finally cured from Deliria Nervosa, in other words, love. She will be like every other person in this world without feelings. The zombies as they are sometimes referenced as. After the war and the rise of the Capital, the government started to convince everyone that the reason for the war and all the destruction was due to love. Then a scientist came up with a cure, a dangerous procedure where many have died and gone insane from, including Lena’s mother. Then one day Lena meets Alex and her whole world is turned upside down. Not in a bad way though. He makes her see things the way they really are. I am going to admit that I feel in love with Alex. Lena and Alex’s love was a true and genuine. It wasn’t a love at first sight kind of love. Lauren took her time to develop that love and to be honest; I think it was the best idea. I don’t think that love at first sight would have worked in this story. I don’t want to give too much away because I really want you all to read it. The ending was a heart breaker and I was sitting on my couch next to my husband reading the last few chapters when I just started crying. My husband was looking at me like I was going crazy.

If you haven’t read Delirium yet then I suggest you get up, go to your computer, kindle, Nook, or your local book store or library and pick it up. It has been a while since I read a book that I loved from beginning to end. Lauren’s writing style is amazing and she is definitely one of my favorite top 5 authors. Although I wanted to hate her for the way she ended it, I also wanted to hug her for writing such an amazing book.

PANDEMONIUM REVIEW: Lauren Oliver has done it again! Great sequel to an amazing series. The cover, like before is incredibly gorgeous and capturing. I think it goes perfect with the story. Lena is my girl and I absolutely love her. She is such a strong character. I don’t want to talk about the HUGE cliffhanger at the end of Delirium, but I will have to spill some info in order to do my review.

Pandemonium picks up right where Delirium left off. Lena has escaped is in the Wilds. Alone, scared and almost dead, she is rescued by the people who she was taught to despise – the Invalids. There she is introduced to a whole different world that she never thought or believed to exist. Realizing more and more how she was lied to her whole life about how the real world really is, she joins The Resistance. A group of invalids who plan on bringing down The Capital and all together, "the cure." Her mission is to follow the son of the DFA (Deliria-Free America) leader, Julian Fineman and the poster child of the DFA's Youth Division. When chaos breaks during a DFA convention, Julian and Lena end up together in an unusual place. Destiny has brought them together and slowly, of course they both start to feel for each other. The only problem is that Lena is still in love with the boy who saved her life and who she will never see again. He may not be there physically, but he is and will always be in her heart.

Pandemonium has a lot more action it in than Delirium and a little less romance, but the story was still incredibly awesome! Every time I turned a page I was in awe. Lauren has definitely give us a pager turner. And the ending….well O.M.G.!!! I cannot believe she did this to me again! How can she do this? Now, we have to wait a whole year to get the 3rd and final book. If you have read Delirium and haven't yet read Pandemonium, then you honestly have been missing out on an incredible story. And if you haven't read Delirium yet, well now is the time because you can read both books back to back. But I am warning you, once you start reading it, you will be totally hooked!


  1. Great books! My writing partner and I were in Coral Gables when she was there too. It was wonderful to meet her.

  2. Great reviews on both! I absolutely love this series! This year wait will kill me!!! lol :)

  3. Love these books. I was also in Coral Gables for the event. Lauren was awesome as were Dan and Claudia. It was a really good event!
    Truly Bookish

  4. I love those books myself and you are so lucky to meet Lauren and omg the pandemonium ending blew me away and hip hop hurray lol can't wait for number 3!!!
