15 May 2012

Book Review: Endurance by Willow Rose

Afterlife #3
Author: Willow Rose/T.P. Boje
Reading Level: YA
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Released: January 12th 2012
Review Source: Author
Available: Amazon

Summary: (from goodreads) Meghan’s training at the Academy is coming to an end.

Everything is going great for her as she comes closer to the graduation. She is engaged to be married and the wedding is very near when she hears some disturbing news that makes her rethink all of her coming life.

In class they are taught to catch dreams and fly with the speed of light. Meghan soon discovers that she has a lot of special talents and that she is much stronger than she thought. But unfortunately that doesn’t help her as she faces the truth about her own death which will be revealed to her at the end of the year.

Endurance is the third book in the Afterlife-series about a young girl’s life after death.

I loved the cover of this book, just like the last one! Loads of colored wires or string maybe streaking back and forth across a black background. I think I have an idea of what it symbolizes, but I cannot tell you because it would give too much away about the book.

I liked the third book in the Afterlife series by T.P. Boje. Some of the questions that Meghan had in the first two books have been answered, but more questions come up that will need to be addressed. In this book Meghan becomes one of the strongest members in her class, and in the Academy's history. She learns some new skills and becomes the master of some of them. At the end of the second book, Serenity, Meghan has decided to pledge her love to Mick and give up any chance at a future with Jason on earth. In Endurance, she is looking forward to her wedding to Mick and also to the end of her training at the Academy. She finally gets to find out how she died and realizes that people are not always what they seem to be on the surface.

One of the issues I had with this book was again in the relationship between Mick and Meghan. To me, Mick seemed like more of a controlling boyfriend than the perfect match for a strong-minded girl like Meghan. Maybe it is because he is from a different time period when men were more controlling and that was acceptable and maybe he was just really trying to help Meghan because she had a lot going on and he didn't want to add to her workload at school or her stress. Meghan questions his behavior and rebels against it. She doesn't like to be controlled and she lets him know it. Their relationship gets pretty rocky and there is one part that I really don't like how it played out. I was disappointed in both of these characters and wasn't happy about their choices. If you want to know what I'm talking about, you'll have to pick up a copy because I don't want to ruin it for you. If you have read it already, and you know what I'm referring to, please let me know if you feel the same way or differently. I'd love to hear others opinions on this.

I hope there will be more in this series because I have enjoyed getting to know Meghan and her friends, Mick, Jason, and the teachers at the Academy. I am interested in finding out more about Meghan's past and also reading about what might be in store for her future.

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