31 May 2012

Book Review: Sabrina's Window by Al Riske

Sabrina's Window
Author: Al Riske
Reading Level: Adult
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Released: May 15th 2012
Review Source: NetGalley
Available: Amazon

Summary: (from goodreads) On a chilly morning in Taos, New Mexico, a 17-year-old paperboy breaks the window of a 31-year-old hair stylist - an accident that marks the beginning of an instant, inexplicable bond between them. In the course of one high-desert summer, Joshua and Sabrina share confidences, intercede in each other's love lives, go on a date that scandalizes the town, and confront questions of fidelity, desire, and the nature of love.

How many of us can remember a time when growing up, we had a secret crush on someone older than ourselves, but deep down inside we knew that it was just a dream or small fantasy as you may call it. In this novel, it all begins with a window. Solid and in tack. Broken into many pieces, with one bad throw. Pieces of sharp confusion sprayed in many directions. Never, truly put back together again permanently. Just lying there, waiting for the other to make the first move.

Sabrina, the main character, finds herself adjusting fairly well to the new town that she has moved in to. She has a best friend,Tara, whom she hangs out with. She's gone out with a few guys, with some good and some not so good experiences. And then she has the young teenage boy, that broke her window, when delivering the paper. He insist on working the debt off, to fix it. Working the debt off takes a little longer than expected. Maybe even a little longer than needed as well.

Sabrina's Window was so fast paced, that I turned the page one day and the next, the story had come to an end. There were times where I was a bit distracted from the switching of one life to another. But my anticipation to see how things would end, blocked out that frustration very quickly. The author provided enough descriptions of the characters, that I could truly paint a picture of their feelings and emotions in my mind. Those feelings that are softly pointing out, that something is wrong, something just isn't right, and will never be, or will it?

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