21 May 2012

OUaT ARC Tour: The Raft by S.A. Bodeen - Closed

Author: S.A. Bodeen
Release Date: August 21st 2012
Reading Level: YA
Genre: Realistic Fiction/Survival
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
      The Raft

Summary: (from goodreads) Robie is an experienced traveler. She’s taken the flight from Honolulu to the Midway Atoll, a group of Pacific islands where her parents live, many times. When she has to get to Midway in a hurry after a visit with her aunt in Hawaii, she gets on the next cargo flight at the last minute. She knows the pilot, but on this flight, there’s a new co-pilot named Max. All systems are go until a storm hits during the flight. The only passenger, Robie doesn’t panic until the engine suddenly cuts out and Max shouts at her to put on a life jacket. They are over miles of Pacific Ocean. She sees Max struggle with a raft.

And then . . . she’s in the water. Fighting for her life. Max pulls her onto the raft, and that’s when the real terror begins. They have no water. Their only food is a bag of Skittles. There are sharks. There is an island. But there’s no sign of help on the way.

   Leave a comment below with your name and state to be considered for the tour. Make sure you have filled out the FORM to participate in tours with us. If you have previously filled out the form, you will not need to fill it out again unless you have to update any information. 
Sign ups close 5/24

  1. Paige (NH) - Comfort Books Review
  2. Leeanna (OH) - Leanna Me Review
  3. Andrea (VA) - The Busy Bibliophile Review
  4. Kayla (LA) - Bibliophilia, Please Review
  5. Eli (FL) - Eli to the Nth Review


  1. Lisa - WI.

    I will be out of town July 28th - August 3rd so if the tour falls over those dates then I don't want to mess up the tour schedule so you can exclude me if need be.

    Thanks for the opportunity.

  2. I've already read and reviewed this or I'd love to be a part of it! Thanks though!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'd love to be a part of the tour! I live in Louisiana and just across the street from the post office (if that helps)! :-D

  5. Would love to read and review this!!
    Christi (NJ)

  6. This sounds very interesting, and very different from what I usually read! I'd love to get a chance to participate!

    Eli (FL)


  7. I've been wanting to read this book forever! I'd love to be apart of the tour, and I didn't know you guys did tours but I'm glad to know now =)

    Paige (NH)

  8. Woahhh....that sounds really good!

    Rachel (CA)

  9. I actually didn't realize you were still doing tours, this is fantastic! I've been wanting to read this.

    Sandra (GA)

  10. OH. WOW. I'd love to read/review/tour with this book! Fab tour!

    Hannah (CA)
