07 May 2012

What is the Weaver Saga? (+ Giveaway)

What Is The Weaver Saga? 

A young adult novel series. A paranormal thriller. A cross between Buffy and The X-Files. My attempt to be even 1/10 as talented at making fiction as Joss Whedon.

All of these describe The Weaver Saga. But the Saga started for me as an homage to one of my oldest friends. Among her many interesting traits was the tendency to have very, very vivid zombie dreams. Every morning, she'd regale us all with tales of her latest battles with (or escapes from) the undead. Everyone has had a dream so lifelike that they mistook it for reality -- well, to hear her stories, all of her dreams were like that. This woman got to live a zombie movie every night! (You can only imagine my jealousy.)

And so, one day, I was thinking (a dangerous pastime, I know): What if the dreams really were real? What if someone dreamed about monster attacks at night -- only to have them happen the next day? Thus was born Alex Cronlord, the fifteen-year-old blonde girl who could see the monsters before they struck. The rest of The Weaver Saga grew up around her.

Many people will surely think that Alex is blonde as an homage to Buffy, or perhaps to make her appealing to the teen and twenty-something male readers. She's not. She's blonde because my zombie-dreaming friend is blonde. And the reason that (SPOILER ALERT) the threat of a zombie apocalypse hangs over part of the series is in tribute to the stories my friends and I spent so many hours enjoying.

The analogy isn't perfect. At the start of the series, Alex would much rather run from danger than fight it head on. The same cannot be said of my old friend -- I'm several feet taller than she is, and made very, very sure to never make her mad. Still, this series is definitely a case of art imitating life.

Welcome to The Weaver Saga.

John Abramowitz Links: Blog / Goodreads / Twitter

Thanks to John today, he is offering 2 copies of Weaver to our readers. SO make sure to Thank John on twitter and Good Luck! 

To Enter:
  • Fill out the Form below
  • US Giveaway
  • Giveaway ends Friday May 18th at midnight
  • Must be 13 years or older to enter
  • Read our Giveaway policy HERE
  • Do not leave email or any personal information below

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I liked hearing how the idea came about.

  2. I think it's great that someone's dream inspired the series. I used to have vivid dreams like that and then the next day I would write them down and try to create stories around them.

  3. I love the idea that someone can remember their dreams enough to inspire a series.

  4. Ooh this series sounds good, even if it is a little Buffy-like!

  5. Hi guys-

    This is the author. Just wanted to pop in with a couple of quick notes.

    First, I communicated wrongly to Yara -- the prize for the giveaway will be THE VOID. Reason being, WEAVER itself is already free everywhere but Amazon, which won't let me make it so. (Price match already!)

    Second, Julie, Joss Whedon is definitely my biggest influence as a fiction-maker. Having said that, I tried to be at least SOMEWHAT original!

  6. I love knowing how the ideas for some books come about! Sounds great!

  7. Thanks for the fantastic post! I loved Buffy, so this sounds fantastic! Congrats on the new release!

  8. I loved it. I want to read this book. Thanks for the giveaway. Tore923@aol.com

  9. Love this post! This book sounds great and I would love to win it!

    Suz Reads in Rafflecopter
