19 June 2012

Book Review: Intangible by J. Meyers

Intangible #1
Author: J. Meyers
Reading Level: YA
Genre: Paranormal/Fantasy
Released: January 29th 2012
Review Source: Author
Available: Amazon

Summary: (from goodreads) Twins Sera and Luke Raine have a well-kept secret—she heals with a touch of her hand, he sees the future. All their lives they’ve helped those in need on the sly. They’ve always thought of their abilities as being a gift.

Then Luke has a vision that Sera is killed. That gift they’ve always cherished begins to feel an awful lot like a curse. Because the thing about Luke’s ability? He’s always right. And he can’t do anything about it.

Just another couple of high school students in yet another YA Paranormal/Supernatural book? Nope! J. Meyers has given us what could be the next big series!

The story is set around a set of twins, Luke and Sera (short for Seraphina) who have very unique gifts. Sera is a Healer who has always helped anyone in need without notice from the rest of the world. Luke is a Seer who can see the future of anyone around him and has never been wrong. The one exception to his ability is he can't see his own future. Luke gets what he calls a sense of impending doom and the longer the feeling lasts before a vision appears, the more time Luke has to figure out how to help the person in need. Unfortunately the vision troubling him these days is the one where he has seen Sera's death. The feeling of impending doom stays with him for quite a while and he gets new flashes of her death as the story progresses, torturing him and giving him very few clues as to when she will die and where it will take place.

Luke, Sera and their closest and dearest friend, Fey go about their lives while Luke battles his inner turmoil to figure out how to perhaps finally save his sister from her fate. They make a few supernatural friends and find out that some friends have gifts of their own that they've been hiding from Luke and Sera all their lives. They slowly find out their place in the world of what is known as The Realm in which Lilith, the Queen of Vampires, is the person or thing to be feared the most.

This story is fast paced and fresh. It is witty and comical at times. She writes the relationships between the characters in a very real way, I often found myself giggling at the quick banter and puns tossed back and forth between Luke and Sera but also the interactions they have with their friends as well. The characters come to life on the page and that's what makes you want to keep reading. I became invested in the characters and their well being. My heart hurt for Luke as he internalizes this nightmare of his sister dying as he desperately tries put the pieces together before it's too late. He loves her so much, she's his other half as he often refers to her and he will stop at nothing to save her.

So many books now a days are filled with these supernatural, magical elements and yet J. Meyers manages to weave them into an energetic new story. I loved this book and can't wait to see what Meyers has in store for us in the next installment of the Intangible series. If you're a fan of The Caster Chronicles by Kami Garcia, I'm confident you'll want to add this one to your collection as well.


  1. Loved this book it was great Can't wait for the next one!

  2. Yup I agree, this is one enjoyable and exciting YA book.

    Talk Supe

  3. I agree 100%!
    I read this book last month sometime and was so pleasantly surprised!

    Great review!
    BTW- Im a new follower via GFC, feel free to stop by my BLOG and follow if you want :)
