The Key of Amatahns
Argetallam Saga #1
Elisabeth Wheatley
Reading Level: YA
Genre: Fantasy
Released: June 30th 2011
Review Source: Author
Summary: (from goodreads) Janir had the misfortune of being born with one of the hated Argetallams for a father. But unlike other Argetallam children, she was mostly granted a normal childhood, away from the rest of her family. It looked as if she would live a relatively normal life as the foster-daughter of a powerful lord. Until one critical day Janir’s powers awakened and she became entangled in a young enchanter’s quest for a long-lost treasure called the Key of Amatahns...

I loved this book from the beginning to the end. The whole story flowed from scene to scene and it just kept getting better and better as the story went on. Janir the main characters father is well hated in her village because he is a Argetallams. Janir father and mother send her away because her brother Lucan is being mean to her and making sure he makes her life miserable plus his mother wants Janir killed. So after she is sent away she finds out that her mother has been killed and Janir is rescued by Armandius. He was a friend of her mothers and he has to inform her that her mother has died. After staying with Armandius for years she ends up killing a duke that wanted to kill her master Armandius. So for Janir not to be killed Armandius has to send her away also. Along her journey she meets a wizard named Karile and he wants her to help him find the key so his people can gain all this magical power. Well she goes along for the ride and they end up meeting monsters named madzags, almost die from quicksand and almost drown. Then after a little while in the story they come across this army which contains Lucan Janirs brother. He thought she was dead and when he finds out he makes her life miserable again. The best part is he wants to find the key also. Along the way Janirs masters elf Saoven finds her and tries to rescue her but ends up failing and ends up being Lucans prisoner also.
I would love to keep going but I don't want to ruin this wonderful story. After reading this book I go to the credits and it was written by a high schooler from from Texas. I couldn't believe the writing and the story telling. If your into books that go on and tell a great story you will love this one very much. I highly recommend it. I can't wait to start the second book of this saga. Its almost like the Twilight Frenzy..
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