09 July 2012

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

This summer I will be headed to Cuba. Why, well I have to go pick up my boys that have spent the summer with my family. One thing I take advantage when I go is to take books. Why do I take books, well Cuba is a communist country, so they don't have the same freedom as the rest of us do. They don't have public library systems or bookstores. The only kind of books you might see there are in classrooms and that if the teacher has enough money to provide school books. 

So a few years ago when Twilight had come out I decided I needed to share my love for these books even to my family in Cuba. So I took a full set to my sister in law to read, well she completely fell for the series just like many of us did. So of course she told someone and lent them, and its spread like wild fire. She ended up asking me if I could send more sets, because the first set was very beat up from her lending the books out. So I sent her more copies and she created a library/lending system out of her house. This is the only way really that YA or even Adult books can reach the island. They have no way of purchasing any type of fiction books. They want to keep everyone in the dark.

So come August I will be going once again to pick up my boys that have been their all summer. This time around I want to take new series of YA books, introduce them to new stuff. So if by chance you have a Spanish YA books any genre sitting around your house that you or someone you know doesn't need, I would love to get it so I can take with me to Cuba. If you do have a book to share with me, please email me at onceupontwilight@live.com and just put in subject line, Spanish book for Cuba. 

Thanks and I can't wait to share are favorites with them over there. 

Another piece of news, is last night I decided to take part in the Once Upon a Read-a-Thon. This read-a-thon is hosted by Reading Angel, Candace's Book Blog and Pure Imagination. It runs from 12:01 am on July 9th to 11:59 on July 11th. I'm not sure how much I'll be able to get read but its a good way to force myself. My work might suffer a little.

Books I plan to start with are:

To see a list of those participating on the read-a-thon just Click Here. You can also follow along on twitter with the hashtag #OUreadathon. You can still sign up until midnight tonight. Happy reading!


  1. The Forsaken is in my Read-a-Thon pile as well. :D I hope to get to all my 5 books! Good luck, Yara. :)

  2. I love how you're sharing your YA books with your Cuban family!

    I've been to Cuba a long while back -- beautiful, beautiful place. Enjoy your trip!
