Today we are helping our friends at Month9Books celebrate their launch with a week long tour. During this tour you can read all about Month9Books and read some excerpts. Today Ill share with you an excerpt from their charity anthology, Two and Twenty Dark Tales: dark retellings of Mother Goose Rhymes.
Month9Books is a speculative fiction young adult and middle grade imprint.
Speculative fiction is an umbrella term that encompasses the following genres:
• Science Fiction
• Fantasy, Epic Fantasy, High Fantasy, and Urban Fantasy
• Horror
• Supernatural
• Paranormal
• Super-Hero, Villain, and Anti-Hero
• Utopian and Dystopian
• Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic
• Alternate History
Month9Books will also publish Steampunk, Cyberpunk, Techno-thriller, and Action-Adventure-Fantasy.
Formed in 2011 by speculative fiction writer Georgia McBride (also founder of YALITCHAT.ORG and #yalitchat on twitter), each year, a portion of the proceeds from our anthologies will be donated to a charity we admire. We are however, NOT a charity publisher.
Our first anthology is scheduled for publication in October 2012 and features: Michelle Zink, Lisa Mantchev, Sarwat Chadda, Nina Berry, Leigh Fallon, Suzanne Young, C. Lee McKenzie, Angie Frazier, Georgia McBride, Jessie Harrell, Francisco X. Stork, Gretchen McNeil, KM Walton, Heidi R. Kling, Nancy Holder, Sayantani DasGupta, Karen Mahoney, Leah Cypess, Suzanne Lazear, Pamela van Hylckama Vlieg and Shannon Delany with Max Scialdone.
In addition to our charity anthologies, we seek to publish 9-11 additional titles annually.
We are distributed by Small Press United, a division of IPG.
Month9Books Links: Website • Goodreads • Facebook • Twitter
Release date: October 16, 2012
Publisher: Month9Books, LLC.
Authors: Michelle Zink, Lisa Mantchev, Sarwat Chadda, Nina Berry, Leigh Fallon, Suzanne Young, C. Lee McKenzie, Angie Frazier, Jessie Harrell, Gretchen McNeil, KM Walton, Heidi R. Kling, Nancy Holder, Karen Mahoney, Suzanne Lazear, Pamela van Hylckama Vlieg, Shannon Delany with Max Scialdone, Leah Cypess, Sayantani DasGupta, Georgia McBride, and Francisco X. Stork.
TWO AND TWENTY DARK TALES: DARK RETELLINGS OF MOTHER GOOSE RHYMES will be available in print and e-Book wherever books are sold beginning October 16, 2012.
TWO AND TWENTY DARK TALES Excerpt:Blog Tour Schedule:
Sea of Dew by C. Lee McKenzie, based on Winkin', Blinkin' and Nod
In the week before the moon found them beneath the bloated bellies of storm clouds, they drifted in the lifeboat without sight of land. The boys, the stowaways, the survivors.
And Miranda.
She hunkered under the tarp and a soggy blanket, peering out at them with worry and a sizable dose of fear. She was adrift in a foreign sea among strangers. Yet one of those three had hauled her from the water and saved her life.
Which one? Maybe Winker. He was skinny and had some kind of tic in his cheek that made his left eye twitch, especially when he looked in her direction. Or was it the guy whose name started with B? What was it? Blandy? Blakie? He had a vacant look and his lips were always moving, like he was telling himself secrets.
Or could it have been Nodfarker? That guy had one creepy name. He was always telling them when to eat, if they could have water, or how much. Miranda had fantasized about tying his leg to an anchor while he slept, then pushing him over the side of the dinky lifeboat.
Only there was no anchor. Besides, he was the one who netted the fish that they ate raw to stay alive now that the supplies were almost gone, so offing him wasn’t her best idea.
The worst one, however, was easy to pinpoint. She kept asking herself why she had let that tour guide talk her and her friends into joining the cheap cruise from the mainland to the tropical island of Milaou. His tiny-toothed grin flashed through her mind. She wondered if he was still smiling in that death trap of a ferry.
Miranda sat up as Nodfarker leaned over the side of the boat and dragged the net through the water. Soon he had two lively, silver herring. He dropped them on top of the supply box and slit them open before their tails stopped flipping.
She turned her head. Whoever mentions sashimi to me when this is over, dies.
- July
- July 24-Mundie Moms
- July 25-Girls in the Stacks AND Supernatural Snark
- July 26-Reading Teen AND Once Upon A Twilight
- July
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