27 July 2012

Fifty Shades of YA Boys: Day 11 - Aiden & Daemon - Covenant & Lux Series

T.G.I.F!!! Are you prepared for the sizzling Day 11 of Fifty Shades of YA Boys today? Because today your not just getting one hottie, oh no! You are getting two hotties wrapped in a burrito. Ok maybe not wrapped in a burrito but you know what I mean. Dark Faerie Tales and Once Upon a Twilight continue to bring you a YA Boy a day until 7/31. Follow along on twitter with hashtag #FiftyShadesYABoys

Ok so today your getting a double dose of some serious swoon-worthy guys written in 2 of my favorite series written by the same author. I think everyone is familiar with the addicting writing of Jennifer L. Armentrout. So when I say today its about Aiden from Jennifer L. Armentrout's Covenant Series and Daemon from Jennifer's Lux Series, you stop what you are doing and pay attention. The Covenant Series consist of Daimon (#0.5), Half-Blood (#1), Pure (#2), Deity (#3), Elixir (#3.5) and future releases Apollyon (#4) and Sentinel (#5). Then you have The Lux Series that consist of Shadows (#0.5), Obsidian (#1), Onyx (#2) and future releases Opal (#3) and 2 untitled books (#4 & #5). Ok, Ok I think you guys are ready for the rest, hope you can handle it all. Enjoy!!!

Aiden St. Delphi

I’m not who or what you think I am. Most people call me Saint Delphi, because to many, I’m the picture of coolness and calm—complete, unyielding control. Only a few people know how far from the truth that really is. My demeanor is a mask. I have a temper, and when it’s provoked, my wrath is greater than the gods. I’m constantly fighting to keep control, of stopping myself from doing what I really want… or going after who I want. I’m fiercely protective of those I love, sometimes to a fault. Other than my family, there’s only one person I’ve truly loved and I’d burn down the universe and Olympus to keep that person safe. I can be broody—or at least that’s what Deacon, my younger brother says—but mostly I’m dealing out advice like a therapist. Many find me intimidating due to my duty as a Sentinel. I’m one the best fighters and I have killed. Not many can beat me in a fight, and I’m not someone you want to go toe to toe with. You’ll lose.

NOBODY KNOWS I AM: A good singer.



A GOOD TIME FOR ME IS: Playing the guitar, working out, or just chilling with my brother.


I'D REALLY RATHER: Not be talking about myself.


KILL, FRAK or MARRY with Aiden:

1. Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson & Christina Aguilera:
Wow. What a selection here.
Kill: Christina Aguilera
Frak: Britney Spears
Marry: Jessica Simpson

2. Olive Oyl, Smurfette & Sailor Moon:
Okay. This is just a disturbing list.
Kill: Sailor Moon
Frak: Olive Oyl, since she’s human and doesn’t look like a small child
Marry: Smurfette. Why not?

3. Aphrodite, Artemis & Athena:
Kill: Artemis
Frak: Aphrodite
Marry: Athena

4. Nicki Minaj, Beyonce, Lady Gaga:
Oh, dear gods…
Kill: Lady Gaga
Frak: Nicki Minaj
Marry: Beyonce

5. Bella Swan, Hermione Granger & Clary Fray:
This is easy.
Kill: Bella
Frak: Clary
Marry: Hermione

6. Alexandria, Katy, Dee:
This is even easier.
Kill: Dee
Frak: Katy
Marry: Alexandria

The books are available on Amazon: Daimon • Half-Blood • Pure • Deity • Elixir

Daemon Black

Most people don’t like me when they first meet me. It might have something to do with the fact that they can never be me, which typically invokes a different kind of green eyed monster. I’m not the nicest person and I don’t care if you don’t like that. I have my reasons for being the way I am, but I will do anything to keep my family and those I do care about safe. If someone threatens one of them, they won’t know what will hit them. I love a challenge and when I set my mind to something, I never lose. Oh, and I’m hot and I have great hair. It’s good to have a great sense of self-worth and healthy ego. Modesty is for saints and losers. I am neither. Am I intimidating? What do you think? I’m six feet and three inches of don’t get in my face. I’m also an alien. Yep. You heard that right. I don’t brood. I’m not that complicated. I am just the way I am. And yeah, I am too sexy for my shirt.

NOBODY KNOWS I AM: Besides an alien? No one knows I’m a fan ghost hunting shows.

I WISH I COULD STOP: Death—yeah, that would be nice.

I'M A SUCKER FOR: Kittens. Oh. Okay. One Kitten in particular.

A GOOD TIME FOR ME IS: At this point, annoying the ever loving crap out of Kat.

NOBODY WOULD BELIEVE ME IF THEY SAW ME: I’m pretty sure most people don’t believe half of the things they see me do.

I'D REALLY RATHER: Be working off Kat’s trace about right now.

THE FIRST THING I DO IN THE MORNING IS: Tell myself I’m one sexy beast.

The books are available on Amazon: Shadows • Obsidian • Onyx • Opal

You are all very welcome!!! I know you enjoyed this Day 11 as much as I did. My inner-fan girl is twirling around the room. To help celebrate Aiden and Daemon stop today, Jennifer is offereing signed copies of Half-Blood and Pure and Entangled Publishing is offering a copy of Obsidian. Throws Confetti!!! 


  1. DAEMON! the dude is crazy hot. i mean dont get me wrong Aiden is wow but still Daemon has my heart

  2. Frak Daemon because GODS. But marry Aiden because he's more... civil?

  3. AMG... I love these guys. Aiden's #1 for me! :'D

    1. OH I would marry Aiden of course. And frak Daemon. :3

  4. They are both very yummy, but I would have to go with Daemon.

  5. Best Idea for a post ever! lol
    They are both so yummy!


  6. It's so hard to decide. I was thinking of... frak Daemon and marry Aiden. But it would be awesome if I could do both with both guys, right? *wink* *wink*

  7. Daemon! No Aiden! No Daemon! I can't choose one, so I chose both. (That's totally allowed, right?)

  8. Hmmmmm Frak both?! haha! Marry Aiden... :-D

  9. uhh...marry Daemon and frak Aiden? I have no idea, they both sound yummy.

  10. frak Daemon, because I've heard more about him. :)

  11. Hmm.. Well they both seem frak material. Awesome giveaway!

  12. I don't know cuz I haven't met either of them yet:)

  13. I'd frak and marry Daemon and Daemon only...even though that consists a life hard considering Daemon is a handful but still :P and it's really funny how not many ppl want to marry Daemon...smart choice :P

  14. Wow! That's such a hard choice... Both???? Possibly??

  15. I would have to say Daemon for both.

  16. Erm. Hmmm. Marry Aiden and frak Daemon, I'd say.

  17. Depending on how they felt about me.... because if Daemon didn't like me, then NO WAY am I marrying him. But if he tolerated me? I'd like to live with his sense of humor lol so Marry Daemon. But only if he doesn't not like me haha

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Well, I would actually frak both... but I'd probably marry Aiden.

    I love EVERYTHING from Jennifer L. Armentrout! She is one of my most favorite authors ever and the boys she writes about are absolutely amazing! Love them all!

  20. Mmmmm...I would marry Aiden for sure!

  21. Hmm...marry Aiden frak Daemon

  22. I actually haven't ever read anything by J.L. Armentrout, but both guys sound pretty awesome! Thanks for the giveaway! :D

  23. Frak Aiden. Marry Daemon. Having that sexy alien all to myself would be da bomb!

    ****entered as Rachelle****

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I don't think I would be able to handle being married to Daemon...He would probably drive me absolutely crazy. So yeah. Let's marry Aiden because he is just amazing and frak Daemon. Yup. That seems okay ;)

  26. This is hard. Frak them both! :D

  27. Frak Damon and marry Aiden :) Seriously need to start this series...thanks for the amazing giveaway! :D


  28. Frak Aiden & Marry Daemon Thx 4 chance!!

    (Lori Thomas)

  29. Since I have to choose I'm going to say Frak Daemon and Marry Aiden!

  30. Daemon everything? he's just so hot!!

  31. Daemon for both. He is an absolute bad boy which I always love and he has that fierce, passionate side that is just so swoon worthy.

  32. I don't know either one but they both sound hot! Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

    Suz Reads

  33. Um, I'd marry Daemon and frak Aiden... I think. I haven;t had a chance to read these books so....
    This is Natasha I by the way.

  34. Lmbo... I'm glad he picked Bella as cannon fodder...but it puzzles me he'd kill Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt. Maybe it's because I haven't read the series yet. But it's on my shelf waiting. Great, different, and fun post.

  35. Both! They are both so awesome!


  36. Can the answer just be both? lol
