30 July 2012

Fifty Shades of YA Boys: Day 13 - Fin - Mer Tales Series

Hoping Day 13 of Fifty Shades of YA Boys makes Monday a little better to deal with. Only one more day left and the event is complete for this year. Dark Faerie Tales and Once Upon a Twilight are thinking about making this a yearly event. I think the YA guys deserve to be on the spotlight. Follow along with hashtag #FiftyShadesYABoys on Twitter. 

Seems we have another sexy merman on the site today. Fin from Brenda Pandos' Mer Tales Series. The Mer Tales Series consist so far of Everblue (#1) and Evergreen (#2). Coming August 20th - September 7th follow along the Evergreen Blog Tour hosted by yours truly Once Upon a Twilight. Its going to be great!

Man, this is my first interview. Most everyone wants to talk to Brenda all the time, or Ash or Tatchi. Even Badger’s had an interview… so yeah. I’m stoked. Let’s do this.

NOBODY KNOWS I AM: Really? This is the first question? Talk about getting personal. Okay. I’m Dyslexic. It’s not like I have to write much, being a merman and all. So, I read to help me work on it. And that’s why my sister Tatchi does, I mean did all the books for the business.

I WISH I COULD STOP: Pulling an Incredible Hulk and finning out at sunset. I’ve ruined more jeans that way.

I'M A SUCKER FOR: Anything Ash wants or needs, and sushi. I mean who doesn’t love sushi?

A GOOD TIME FOR ME IS: I’d kidnap my ginger girl and we’d go far far away from all the drama and finally be alone and together.

NOBODY WOULD BELIEVE ME IF THEY SAW ME: Fine, I’ll say it. I sew. *folds his arms over his chest* How else do you think the Velcro shows up in my board shorts? My mom sure as kelp doesn’t do it for me. Makes for easy switch from feet to fin because there’s no way I’m wearing a manskirt.

I'D REALLY RATHER: Move back to Tahoe and run my dad’s boat charter business with Ash than be stuck in Florida with the annoying princess of Natatoria. Or punching Azor’s in the face. Okay, after I punch Azor, I’d rather be in Tahoe with Ash.

THE FIRST THING I DO IN THE MORNING IS: Drink a cup of coffee. Can’t start my day without that. Afterward, I dream of the moment I get to talk to Ash. Poseidon, I can’t wait for the day we’re finally together.

The books are available on Amazon: Everblue • Evergreen

Ha! A merman that sews sounds perfect to me. To celebrate Fin stopping by, Brenda is offering a signed copy of Everblue. WOOHOO!!!! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I really enjoy character interviews because I get a feel as to whether I'll connect with them or not. I also like author interviews because a nice author is definitely respectable!

  2. character and author interviews :-) plus a giveaway is always good!

  3. I love character interviews. they're just so much fun!

  4. Character interviews and them answering questions.

  5. I like the character interviews too!!

  6. Character Interviews of course! There always so entertaining and usually make me laugh because they're always asking funny questions, to me at least. Plus, it's always fun to get a glimpse into the mind of characters that you read about and want to know more about. :)
    This is Natasha I by the way.

  7. I love getting to see character interviews! It's always so fun & I sometimes end up picking up the book if the character is entertaining!

  8. The giveaways. I mean who doesn't love giveaways!? And I also love character interviews. They're so entertaining and fun, especially if it's a character I adore.:)

  9. Character interviews are always fun.

  10. I love the giveaways! It gives me a chance to check out new books when sometimes im not able to get them any other way!

  11. I like the interviews with the authors and the reviews. The interviews are only good when original and when they look like the people had fun doing it :) Thank you SO MUCH for the chance to win this book <3 have been pining for it lol

  12. I love seeing interviews with the author and with the book characters, plus giveaways are always nice. Thanks!

  13. I love interviews with characters from the books. Thay always make an interesting subject.

  14. I love the character interviews and giveaways!

  15. I like the interviews with the characters

  16. I like the giveaways and interviews with the authors/characters!

    Suz Reads

  17. Giveaways! ahaha I do enjoy the interviews as well :)

  18. Love the giveaways... I also enjoy the extra info that writers give out about the character in those interviews.
