20 July 2012

Fifty Shades of YA Boys: Day 5 - Jackson - Tempest Trilogy

Its day 5 of Fifty Shades of YA Boys! Its real easy to follow along if you missed this first few days. Just hope over to Dark Faerie Tales site and here at Once Upon a Twilight daily. The event will not end until Tuesday 7/31 on each site. So plenty of YA Boys coming your way still. You can also follow along on Twitter under hashtag #FiftyShadesYABoys

Today we were able to get a swoon-worthy time traveler to hop on the site for a little bit. Jackson from Julie Cross's Tempest Trilogy is the hottie YA guy today. The Tempest Series consist so far of Tempest (#1), Tomorrow is Today (#0.5), Vortex (#2) releases January 2013 then an untitled book (#3) is set for 2014. Jackson is the one time-traveler you'd want popping up in your timeline. Let's read about him below. 

(picture provided by Author -Drew Roy from Falling Skies)

Who is Jackson Meyer?

Wow…that’s a good question. And I totally refuse to talk about myself in the third person despite the title of this little essay. Do I have to know exactly who I am right now…like this very second? You know who would love to hear the answer to this question…my girlfriend Holly Flynn. She’s made a habit out of digging into my secrets. It’s actually kind of funny and maybe just a little bit sweet, even if I don’t tell her anything ninety nine percent of the time. If it were any other girl prodding me constantly for secrets, I’d be annoyed as hell, but this is Holly so…

Take last night for example, we were laying on my couch watching TV when she just randomly asked me if I’ve always been able to speak French and I was too busy trying to figure out where she was going with this question that I got distracted and just gave her the real answer, which is yes and I don’t know why or how, instead of the standard…my school started foreign language in first grade. I guess my dad spoke it to me and Courtney when we were babies, either that or a nanny. I just don’t remember. And I found myself telling her all this. She rolled over on her back, looking up at me and I could see her carefully storing the information away, piecing together more of her giant Jackson Meyer puzzle. But she let me kiss her and didn’t push for more details and then she said, “You could probably say horrible things to me in French and I’d still be turned on.” Then I was thinking that if all Holly’s interrogations led to her saying something like that and of course her being turned on, I might be up for these invasions of privacy more often.

And now I’m wondering if it’s possible for someone to know me better than I know myself?

--Jackson Meyer

NOBODY KNOWS I AM: A Time Traveler…or hellish freak of nature, which ever you prefer.

I WISH I COULD STOP: Getting older.

I'M A SUCKER FOR: Smart chicks…or smart-ass chicks…or even better, both. Oh, and cute little kids, especially the ones missing their front teeth. Toothless kids are practically lethal. It should be illegal for them to ask you for anything at all because how are you supposed to say no?

A GOOD TIME FOR ME IS: Listening to live music. Somewhere in NYC. Preferably with alcohol, but since I can’t always get away with this, I can also do without. Actually, I think this might be tied with dancing in one of NYC’s awesome clubs. Especially if I’ve got a hot dance partner, and by hot I mean willing to let go a little, get real close and not make a big deal out of it.

NOBODY WOULD BELIEVE ME IF THEY SAW ME: Doing my own laundry and meticulously cleaning my room…yeah, I know I’m an Upper East Side product with a housekeeper and laundry service but I don’t mind doing laundry and depending on who I’m showing my room too, quick alterations are sometimes required so I clean it myself most of the time.

I'D REALLY RATHER: Skip small talk and move onto making out…okay, maybe not in every situation, but sometimes, I’m hanging out with a girl I like and I just know that either we’re going to have this amazing kiss or we aren’t and that seems too important to not get out in the open right away. Although with Holly, I kind of didn’t care or even think about any of this…I kept listening to her talk for a couple hours on our first date and it wasn’t until she said something so…so perfect and I didn’t know how to tell her that was exactly what I needed to hear so I just kissed her instead of talking. But everything is different with Holly and I’m not sure the small talk rule applies to her.

THE FIRST THING I DO IN THE MORNING IS: The answer to this question is a direct result of what I did the night before. I can’t answer it without knowing those details.

The books are available on Amazon: Tempest • Tomorrow Is Today • Vortex
Did your computer screen just get all foggy? I knows mines did. Jackson is a definite hottie. To celebrate Jackson time-traveling here today, Julie is offering a signed copy of Tempest. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Past because I love history (plus, I don't really want to know what happens in the future).

  2. The future, because the past has been recorded, and the future is yet to be seen.

  3. I love this series! I am not entering the giveaway, good luck to whoever wins! This book is so good and I cannot wait for the second in the series!!!! Great post!!!

  4. Defenitely to the past, I like history.

  5. I would travel to the past! I think there is a lot that could be learned and experienced.

  6. I would travel to the past to a time in my life when I was struggling with health problems & let myself know its going to get better :-)

  7. Ok, I know this may be weird but I would travel to past to talk with Jesus. I have a lot questions to ask :)

  8. I'd travel to the past, I've always wondered how things were before my time and surely one could learn a lot from it that could help us to act in a better way and hopefully build a better future.

  9. Definately past and I would choose safe and beautiful time, with amazing dress and art. :)

  10. Future!! I would like to know what type of world we are going to give to our generations. (ileana-rafflecopter)

  11. Past. I'm too scared of the future.

  12. History. You can learn from mistakes that way, and plus if you could tell the future any way you would grow ir mature.

  13. The Past, there some things that I would like to change I would be scared to see the future!

  14. Past, most likely. Relive some good times :) The future is supposed to be unknown... :)

  15. Probably both, but I'd definitely be more attracted to the future.

  16. Future because as Stephanie said, people know a lot about the past but no one knows about the future. And my curiosity always gets the better of me :P

  17. I would want to go back to Ancient Greece! I am completely in love with that time period.

  18. Future because I just want to know really badly what's in store for me!

  19. Past... I'm just so scared of knowing the future!

  20. I don't know... Both sounds a little bit scary. I mean, you could accidently alter something in the past or future future. It's so complicated....
    I guess future because I'm curious to see if we get a little better or worse with our actions.

  21. I would travel to the past because I don't want to know my future. Thanks for the giveaway! :D

  22. the future is really tempting, but i'd probably go back in time to hang out with family members who have died (i know - it sounds a little creepy)

  23. I'd travel to my future and help myself achieve my dreams. If I travel to the past, I risk messing up the future and what would have been my present! :o

  24. I've always been fascinated about the past, so I would travel to the past.

  25. I don't think I would travel. I would be too afraid of chaining things and it not working out to my advantage.

  26. I'd say the past because I love ancient history.
    DeAnna Schultz

  27. Future. I wanna know what is it like.

  28. The past. I love history, so I'd go to see the different times that I've read about.

  29. I would travel in the past specifically during the Victorian Era in London and the Spanish Era in the Philippines. I just love history and how rich cultures are!

  30. The past, love history!!!

    ctymice at gmail dot com

  31. The past I would want to see history first hand

  32. The future, I want to know what is going to happen.

  33. I would time travel to the past, I would want to maybe relive special moments of my life. I would want to let the future be.

  34. pasr\t but scared stiff i would mess things up

  35. To the past! I've always wanted to know what it was to live in the Regency!

  36. I'd like to travel to the past because while I don't know exactly what it was like, there won't be big surprises.

  37. The 1800s because I love the way people dressed

  38. Travel to the past for sure. There are so many things and places I would like to see from then that you don't see now :)

  39. I would travel to the past. I have always liked the music of the 50s and 60s and I liked the way they acted and dressed so I think it would be cool to be a part of it.

  40. Future's tempting but I'd love nothing more to relive my pasts.

  41. Future, it's cool than the past.

  42. Past! I could meet famous people and see for myself all the things history books tell us. I DO NOT want to know what's going to happen in the future.

  43. I would go to the past preferably back to the 1900 era. I have always loved reading about that point in time.

    - Beckie

  44. The past as I'm scared as to what the future might bring.

  45. The only reason I would travel to the past is so that I could see for myself and appreciate the world before technology advanced. But I would love to see the future as well to know what it holds for us. :)

  46. Hmm... I'm more curious about what's to come, so I'm gonna go with the Future! Thanks for the amazing giveaway :D


  47. I would travel to the past to stop an embarrassing moments from happening to me :)
