24 July 2012

Fifty Shades of YA Boys: Day 8 - Treygan - The Sea Monster Memoirs Series

We start Day 8 of Fifty Shades of YA Boys. Dark Faerie Tales and Once Upon a Twilight will continue to bring a new YA Hottie each day until July 31st. So don't miss a day. You can follow along on twitter with hashtag #FiftyShadesYABoys.

Today its all about a certain merman. Treygan from Karen Amanda Hooper's The Sea Monster Memoirs Series. The Sea Monster Memoirs consist of Tangled Tides (#1) and coming soon Dangerous Depths (#2). There are quite a few stories out there with merman, but trust me no one compares to Treygan and his beautiful markings. 
(photos provided by Author)

Hi Yara,

Treygan's answers are below. I told him to keep it clean since you and Yara share the same name, but as usual, he didn't listen.


NOBODY KNOWS I AM: Going to die in book 2. Ha. Kidding. But that got your attention, didn't it?

I WISH I COULD STOP: Worrying that I'm going to lose Yara. Things are going too good in my life. I'm worried I'm going to wake up and it will all be a wonderful dream that isn't real. 

I'M A SUCKER FOR: Skittles. I'd swim miles and miles to get my rainbow sugar fix.

A GOOD TIME FOR ME IS: Playing Leaf Rugby with dolphins. And certain private unmentionable activities with Yara.

NOBODY WOULD BELIEVE ME IF THEY SAW ME: Run away (like a scared little girl) from peanuts. I'm extremely allergic. Just the sight of them makes me itch.

I'D REALLY RATHER: Be with Yara in Forbidden Apple Lagoon. Alone. For days. Without clothes.

THE FIRST THING I DO IN THE MORNING IS: Watch the sunrise and give thanks for another day.
The book is available on Amazon: Tangled Tides

Oh Treygan, doesn't he say that sweetest things. I wouldn't mind trading spots with the other Yara for a day. To celebrate Treygan stopping by today, Karen is offering a signed copy of Tangled Tides. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Great book!

    I think the world will end in ice. :(

  2. Added this on my TBR list not too long ago. I actually think the world will end with fire.... what with global warming and all, lol.

  3. Tangled Tides is one of my favorite books ever!!! I'm totally #TeamTreygan!

  4. I prefer it ending in ice, but really, I think it's going to end in fire.

  5. Thanks so much for inviting Treygan to participate in this hot event! :)

  6. I would rather be an angel. Mermaid seems like such a cool thing, but the ocean is pretty scary at night :/

  7. I think i'd rather just stay human

  8. mermaid. i mean, i would love to be an angel, but they have so many rules. don't fall in love with humans. don't sin. ect. too much work. ;)

  9. I think I'd rather be an angel even though being a mermaid would be cool :)

  10. Mermaid because underwater is so pretty.

  11. Angel because I'd love to fly and help people.

  12. mermaid because I always say I am a fish when I am in the water because I love to swim

  13. I'd live as a mermaid. I think it's the Pisces in me. ;)

  14. I would love to be a mermaid, my family already says I'm because of my love of swimming!

  15. I'm loving all these fellow mermaids! But I love angels too. ;)

  16. I would love to be a Mermaid! I love the water. I just might be a little freaked out when it stormed!!!

  17. #TeamTreygan all the way!! I LOVED this book Karen seriously rocks <3

  18. I'd be happy with either. Flying and breathing under water both appeal to me. If I'm an angel do I have to behave well all the time? That might clinch it for mer-man.

  19. I`d love to be an angel!!

    (Lori Thomas)

  20. I probably pick Angel :-) I'd love to fly

  21. I would be an Angel so I could fly! Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

    Suz Reads

  22. I have always dreamed of being a mermaid ever since I saw The Little Mermaid. I love to swim, you see. I would also like to be an angel but I'm scared of heights and I'm afraid it would kill me to fly. I don't know. I'm confused. :(

  23. Mermaid. I would live to breathe underwater!

  24. I'd probably choose a mermaid!!!

  25. Angel...I get freaked out by deep water at times :P Thanks for the amazing giveaway!!


  26. me encantaria vivir como un angel =)
