
Fifty Shades of YA Boys Event Pre-Kick Off Giveaway!

How great is this, that even before the Fifty Shades of YA Boys begins this coming Monday the 16th, Author Jennifer Estep has provided goodies for you the reader. Jennifer is not able to participate with a post because of deadlines but she still wanted to share her books and especially her hot boy Logan. 

If you are not familiar with Jennifer and her Mythos Academy Series, then sit back and enjoy some great teasers from her books. The Mythos Academy consist of so far - First Frost (#0.5), Touch of Frost (#1), Kiss of Frost (#2) and Dark Frost (#3). The next installment in the series is called Crimson Frost (#4) due to release December 24th 2012 followed by Midnight Frost (#5) out possibly in August 2013. 

Jennifer Estep Links: WebsiteGoodreadsFacebookTwitter

Teasers from Touch of Frost (#1):

"Do you know, i think that's the first time that you've ever said my name? I'm always just that Gypsy girl to you and everyone else."

Logan moved closer to me. "Really? Then, i'll have to say it again. Gwen," he whispered. "Gwen."

I stared into his ice blue eyes, mesmerized by the sudden softness that I saw there, even as Logan's head dipped lower. But then my brain kicked in and I realized that he was actually going to kiss me--and exactly what would happen the mount that his lips touched mine.

Teaser from Kiss of Frost (#2):

I brought up my own sword, trying to fend off Logan before he separated my head from my shoulders. Three times, I parried his blows, wincing whenever his sword hit mine, but the last time, I wasn’t quite quick enough. Logan stepped forward, the edge of his sword a whisper away from kissing my throat before I could do much more than blink and wonder how it had gotten there to start with.

And Logan didn’t stop there. He snapped his free wrist to one side and knocked my weapon out of my hand, sending it flying across the gym. My sword somersaulted several times in the air before landing point down in one of the thick mats that covered the gym floor.

Teaser from Dark Frost (#3):

“Right here, Gypsy girl.” A low voice sent chills down my spine.

My heart pounding, I slowly turned around. Logan Quinn stood behind me.

Thick, wavy, ink black hair, intense ice blue eyes, a confident smile. My breath caught in my throat as I looked at Logan, and my heart sped up, beating with such force that I was sure he could hear it.

Ha!!! I know you enjoyed reading these teasers involving Logan, the super Hot Spartan Warrior at Mythos. If you haven't read these books or know anything about them, you'll want to. I recommend every single title published already. Read my reviews HERE. Now ready for the bonus, Jennifer provided all 3 books signed and signed swag for one lucky reader. See below to enter. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love Four from the Divergent trilogy.

  2. Hmm....Percy Jackson from The Percy Jackson and the Olympian Series, Foru from the Divergent Trilogy, or Jace from The Mortal Instruments series. Never mind. It's Percy. :D

  3. Oh my. I love Jem from The Infernal Devices series.

  4. I've been wanting to read this series forever!

    My favorite male character, oh boy, tough choice. Recently, I really liked Augustus from The Fault in Our Stars. He was really sweet and thoughtful. :)

  5. My favorite YA boy would be Tod from Soul Screamers by Rachel Vincent. He's probably the best reaper ever!

  6. It's been a long time, but I love Mr. Harry Potter. Thoses were some good books that I enjoyed while being pregnant.

  7. I love this series --I want signed copies please--I am such a fangirl

  8. TOD HUDSON from the Soul Screamers series!!! No question about it, he's my absolute favorite fictional male character EVER!!! :D

    Thanks so much to Jennifer Estep for sharing her awesome books!!! :)

  9. I like Jace in the mortal instrument series.

  10. I like Jace in the mortal instrument series.

  11. Um... I really love Adrian from Bloodlines <3

  12. Hmmm... I think I have to say that Akiva, from Daughter of Smoke and Bone, is currently my favorite YA guy. Though I like to think of it as my "crush of the week" since I seem to fall in love with someone new every week. lol

  13. Daemon Black from Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. Yum.

  14. i love dimitri from vampire academy and ash from iron fey series :)

  15. I absolutely love Four from Divergent/Insurgent. He's sweet, but not in a mushy gushy way which I LOVE! And I love Noah from The Unbecoming Of Mara Dyer, absolutely sexy. *swoon* swoon*

  16. I recently finished reading Matched, and I fell in love with Ky. I love that he isn't a man of words but he is about action!!! Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  17. I totally fell for Four from Divergent. Since he already has some of love in the comments, I'll also share my love for Duval from Grave Mercy. Something about all the court politics and fighting, swoon!

  18. I can't choose just one. So I will give you my top 3: Zachary from the Shade series by Jeri Smith-Ready who is a hot Scot that wears a kilt to formal occasions. Aiden from the Covenant series by Jennifer L. Armentrout who is a Pureblood hottie who tries to do the right thing, but knows what he really wants. And Jem, the Shadowhunter from Cassandra Clare's Infernal Devices series who is the voice of reason for Will, plays the violin and feels with all of his heart.

  19. Hmmm, right now it would be Four.

  20. Adriam from Vampire Academy!

  21. My favorite YA male character is Kaidan Rowe from Sweet Evil. He's English, sexy and a good guy.

  22. My favorite YA male is Jace from the Mortal Instruments followed by Tod from the Soul Screamers.

  23. I don't think I can pick just one...I constantly have like a YA book boy of the week lol so I guess I will give you my top 3 of the moment!

    1 Jem Carstairs from The Infernal Devices
    2 Adrian Ivashkov from Bloodlines/Vampire Academy
    3 Kaidan Rowe from Sweet Evil (this one changes but he is my boy of the week for sure ^.~)

  24. I think I change my fav with every book I read but since I just finished The Golden Lily I'm going to have to go with Adrian!!

  25. I love Roger from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour. :) And Travis from Something Like Normal!

  26. Oh, man! I love Daemon from Obsidian!

  27. favorite YA male is Logan from Mythos Academy ♥

  28. Peeta from The Hunger Games. He's so caring. :)

  29. Jackson from the Madly series by M. Leighton and Daemon from Obsidian by Jennifer Armentrout!
    Brittany S

  30. I really like Nash from the Soul Screamers series.

  31. Will Herondale from The Infernal Devices is so selfless and sarcastic at the same time, it's amazing.

  32. I don't think I can pick just one.Dimitri from Vampire Academy series and Shane from Morganville Vampire series.Are 2 of many :)

  33. I don't have favorite book characters, but I do really like Jem from Clockwork Angel/Prince because of how sweet and kind he is. Thanks for the giveaway!

  34. I love Logan!!! He is one of my favorites! Another one is Nick Gautier from Sherrilyn Kenyon's Chronicles of Nick.

  35. It's sooo difficult to choose just one, but Logan is pretty high up on the list, so you don't need me to tell you about him. Right now, though, I'm rooting for Daemon in the YA Crush Tourney! Again, pretty self explanatory ;D

  36. I love Edward from Twilight.

  37. I can only choose one??? Well, I love Peeta, and Tucker Avery, but I will always be an Edward Cullen girl first!

  38. I gotta go with Edward Cullen at the moment. I absolutely love those books and overall he is so protective and caring for Bella.

  39. My favorite will always be Jace from The Mortal Instruments. He is just the total package. Kind, loving, fierce, and it doesn't hurt that he can kick butt in seconds. I love that Jace will do whatever it takes for those he loves.

  40. I love so many One I loved when I first started reading was Dimitri from Vampire academy always loved him! Thank you for the great giveaway!

  41. Jace from Mortal Instrument Series

    (Lori Thomas)

  42. I'm torn between Jace from The Mortal Instruments series and Daemon from Obsidian. Thanks for the chance to win!

  43. So many favorite boys!!!! :D
    Cricket, Noah, Daemon, and Aiden. I can't narrow it down anymore!

  44. So hard to choose it would be a toss up between Eric and Quinn from the Sookie Stackhouse series.

  45. Jacob Black.
    Thanks a lot for the giveaway!

  46. Aiden from the Covenant series by Jennifer L. Armentrout is of my many favorites

  47. Noah Shaw from The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

  48. Thank you for the amazing giveaway!! I love Logan from the Mythos Academy series and Dimitri from the Vampire Academy series :-)

  49. The only YA I've read so far is the Twilight series, so Edward it is!!!

  50. I love Galen from Of Poseidon;) Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!

  51. Thanks for the great giveaway! I'm gonna throw my hat in for Four from Divergent too!

  52. Dimitri from Vampire Academy!
    ~swoooon~ (ileana-rafflecopter)

  53. Cas from Anna Dressed in Blood

  54. Noah from The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer<3
    Patch from Hush Hush<3

  55. Dimitri - V.Academy


  56. It really depends on what I'm reading at the time. I just finished Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover so I'll say Will Cooper. He's like the perfect guy, and he doesn't turn into anything scary or hairy (not that that's always a bad thing!). I also love Will Herondale. He's so tortured. He's a good guy who likes to act like a bad guy.

  57. I love Jace from the Mortal Instruments series, Daemon from the Lux series, and Adam from Shatter Me!

  58. It's a tie between Jace Wayland from the Mortal Instuments, Joss from the Slayer Chronicles, and Vladimir Tod from the Chronicles of Vladimir Tod. Three completely different personalities, but I love them.
    This is Natasha I. by the way. Keep forgetting that my google account is different from my other accounts. :P

  59. Nick Gautier from Sherrilyn Kenyons Chronicles of Nick.

  60. I love Tod Hudson from the Soul Screamers Series by Rachel Vincent, he would never abandon the one he loves and fights for them with his all!

  61. I like Adrian from The Vampire Academy series and the Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead

  62. I have so, so many. St. Clair from Anna and the French Kiss stands out.

  63. Tod form the Soul Screamers series by Rachel Vincent!! I love him... :D Thanks for the giveaway!!

  64. WELL, Jace from the Mortal instruments definitely, and then Will from the Infernal Devices. Definitely Adam from Shatter Me. OH and Daemon from Obsidian. Uhhh Noah from the Mara Dyer series. I think those are my top favorites (I love them all equally & was not about to only pick one!).

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!

  65. Ugh... this is too hard. Noah from the Mara Dyer series captured my heart the second I read about him. Daemon from Obsidian is perfect if you want someone to argue with that'll always keep you on your toes despite loving you with his whole heart. Jace from the Mortal Instruments doesn't even need an explanation. I also really love Adam from Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi because he loved Juliet for who she is and likes that she is different!

  66. I tend to fall for every YA guy character :/ However, I have a special place in my heart for Dimitri (Vampire Academy) and Will (The Infernal Devices). :)

  67. I think my favorite at the moment is Orion from Dreamless. He tries his best to help Helen and accepts that she does love Lucas, but can't help the feelings he has for her. I'm just a sucker for Orion.

  68. WOW! That is so hard! I think to name a few Jace (Mortal Instruments), Will (Infernal Devices), Four (Divergent), Ash (The Iron Fey), and Zack (Gallagher Girls).

  69. I love Kaidan from Sweet Evil<333

  70. I would probably have to go with Four from Divergent. :)

  71. I would say hands down Shane from The Morganville Vampires =D

  72. I have way to many to choose one so I will say Haden from Falling Under, Ash from the Iron Fey Series, Julian from the Forbidden Game and Four from Divergent

  73. Is Edward Cullen a YA boy? If so I pick him.

  74. My favorite is Colby from The Disenchantments by Nina LaCour.

  75. Looooove Logan. But I admit, I adore Four from Divergent, Fade from Enclave, and Fang from Maximum Ride more. Yes, my favorite YA boys all have four-lettered names that start with the letter F. It's purely coincidental. xD

  76. Definitely Aiden from the Covenant series. But I also love Four from the Divergent series and Noah Shaw from The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer.

  77. I would have to say it is a tie right now between Adrian and Dimitri from Vampire Academy but I think I am leaning more toward Adrian now because of the Bloodlines series :)

  78. I love love love Four from I Am Number Four! As well as Four from Divergent! I think I jst really like the number 4 ; )

  79. Gus from the Fault in Our Stars. He was literally the perfect guy who made me want to cry because he doesn't exist in real life. Yup.

  80. Well. I don't have one! I love:
    Dimitri from VA
    Peeta from THG
    Four from Divergent

  81. There are so many that I like. I really like Dimitri Belikov from the Vampire Academy and Aiden from Half-Blood.Ethan from the Chicagoland Vampire series is great too!

  82. Prince Lucian Kiggs from Seraphina....a must read if you haven't already!!

  83. My favorite?! Oh man. I'm gonna have to go with my first love, Jace from The Mortal Instruments series.

  84. Wow, thats a hard one. I kinds have more than one but I will choose 2. hehe

    1. Ash from The Iron Fey series.
    2. Jackson Godspeed from the Immortal City series.

    - Beckie

  85. Daemon from the Lux series <3

  86. Its between Dimitri and Adrian from Vampire Academy (why because just soo hott)


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