06 August 2012

Book Review: The Rise of Nine by Pittacus Lore

The Rise of Nine
Lorien Legacies #3
Author: Pittacus Lore
Reading Level: YA
Genre: Science Fiction/Aliens
Release Date: August 21st 2012
Review Source: Harper Teen
Available: Amazon

Summary: (from goodreads) Until the day I met John Smith, Number Four, I'd been on the run alone, hiding and fighting to stay alive.

Together, we are much more powerful. But it could only last so long before we had to separate to find the others. . . .

I went to Spain to find Seven, and I found even more, including a tenth member of the Garde who escaped from Lorien alive. Ella is younger than the rest of us, but just as brave. Now we're looking for the others--including John.

But so are they.

They caught Number One in Malaysia.
Number Two in England.
And Number Three in Kenya.
They caught me in New York--but I escaped.
I am Number Six.
They want to finish what they started.
But they'll have to fight us first.

Once again I was extremely happy to get the next book in this series. I am a huge fan of the series and the story. The story continues were we last left off with all the old and new characters. Four (John), Six, Seven (Marina), Ten (Ella), Nine and Eight are all present in The Rise of Nine. The book concentrates on POV's from Four, Six and Seven throughout the books jumping back and forth. Each POV also has a distinct font to know when they have switched POVs. This is extremely helpful, so one doesn't get lost. 

The Rise of Nine did fall a little short for me then I Am Number Four and The Power of Six. There was just a different tempo in this installment. I felt at time there could have been less mentions of thoughts or ideas and more action. I love this series for the intense action and suspense and about a little more than half-way is when I was given that. The first half, felt it drag just a little in some places. I had a feeling this might happen since there was a change in the writers. Many of you should know that Pittacus Lore is a 2 person writing team. One of the original writers left during the process of The Power of Six. So The Rise of Nine from the beginning was created by the new writing team. That being said, I still thoroughly enjoyed reading the book and didn't want to put it down. 

I really can't get to into what takes place in The Rise of Nine without spoiling many parts of the story. Just know that Four is there doing what Four does best with Bernie Kosar at his side. Six is back also trying to find Four like they promised they would from the last book. Marina (Seven) and Ella (Ten) are also very present and have been thrown into the fight head on. Then you have crazy Nine and possibly Eight you'll meet. More chests will be found and open to see what they contain. The Mogs are strong as ever and you wouldn't believe who is helping them. You will be taken to several parts of the planet in all the adventures. Then when you have reached the end, you will be left with your mouth open with the ending. I will say this, with an ending like that one knows there is more coming in future books. 

I highly recommend this series, if you watched the movie and never read any of the books, don't judge the story by that movie. The movie doesn't come close to how great the books are. Grab which ever copy you need to read and you will be a fan of Lorien Legacies. 

p.s. EW.com has the first 5 chapters available to be read online HERE.

1 comment:

  1. This is a phenomenal book and anyone reading the series will be nothing but pleased with the purchase of this novel.

    Charmaine Smith (Alaska Fishing Lodge)
