Welcome to the next stop in the Throne of Glass blog tour for Sarah J. Maas. The tour is hosted by Bloomsbury Children's Books. Throne of Glass is the debut in Sarah's Throne of Glass series.
I was born/raised in Manhattan, but traded freezing winters and sweltering summers for No Winter Ever Weather when I followed my then-boyfriend (now husband!) out to California in 2008. I graduated Magna Cum Laude from Hamilton College with a degree in Creative Writing, and a minor in Religious Studies. I’m represented by Tamar Rydzinski of the Laura Dail Literary Agency.
OUaT: Do you ever experience writer’s block?
Oh yeah. All the time. In the years that I’ve been writing, I’ve just had to learn to work through it—to write, even if it is PAINFUL for me to do so. Now that I’m published and have deadlines for my books, I can’t afford to let writer’s block get in my way…which definitely results in some miserable days (but the work gets done)!
OUaT: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
You don’t need a prince to save you. :)
OUaT: How much of your work is realistic?
Well, given that my book is set in a completely different world with some very different rules and magic, I’d say that a good chunk of it is anything BUT realistic. But I like to think that the characters, their interactions, and their personal development is realistic. And I certainly did a lot of research on how to make elements of their world realistic, too—how ancient cities worked, politics, warfare before guns/cannons existed, armor, how clothes were made, etc…
OUaT: As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?
I desperately wanted to be a marine biologist so I could study great white sharks. I was OBSESSED with white sharks—and still am. But after nearly failing high school biology, that dream quickly ended (though I still dream of getting into a shark cage one day and seeing white sharks in the wild).
OUaT: What do you do to unwind and relax?
Watch TV. Lots of TV. Chat with my other writer-friends on skype. Spend time with my husband and our dog. Honestly, eating a pizza on the couch as I marathon a tv show is my idea of paradise.
Throne of Glass
Throne of Glass #1
Author: Sarah J. Maas
Reading Level: YA
Genre: Fantasy
Released: August 7th 2012
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Children's
Available: Amazon
Summary: (from goodreads) After serving out a year of hard labor in the salt mines of Endovier for her crimes, 18-year-old assassin Celaena Sardothien is dragged before the Crown Prince. Prince Dorian offers her her freedom on one condition: she must act as his champion in a competition to find a new royal assassin. Her opponents are men-thieves and assassins and warriors from across the empire, each sponsored by a member of the king's council. If she beats her opponents in a series of eliminations, she'll serve the kingdom for three years and then be granted her freedom. Celaena finds her training sessions with the captain of the guard, Westfall, challenging and exhilirating. But she's bored stiff by court life. Things get a little more interesting when the prince starts to show interest in her... but it's the gruff Captain Westfall who seems to understand her best. Then one of the other contestants turns up dead... quickly followed by another. Can Celaena figure out who the killer is before she becomes a victim? As the young assassin investigates, her search leads her to discover a greater destiny than she could possibly have imagined.
Read and buy all 4 prequel e-novellas on Amazon: The Assassin and the Pirate Lord
• The Assassin and the Desert
• The Assassin and the Underworld
• The Assassin and the Empire
It would be awesome if in the future she included her love for great white sharks in a book! Nice Q&A. I loved Throne of Glass, can't wait for the next book!