The Exceptionals
Erin Cashman
Reading Level: YA
Genre: Paranormal
Released: February 1st 2012
Review Source: Holiday House
Summary: (from goodreads) Born into a famous family of exceptionally talented people, 15-year-old Claire Walker has deliberately chosen to live an average life. But everything changes the night of the Spring Fling, when her parents decide it's high time she transferred to Cambial Academy--the prestigious boarding school that her great-grandfather founded for students with supernatural abilities.

Before I start this review all I can say is drop everything you are doing and read this book. If you love to read a story about humans being able to talk to animals, ghost or even move objects with their minds then this is the story for you.. I love this book so much. It was like a adventure that the author took you on from start to end. It was definently a page turner that kept getting better and better through the whole story. You didn't even want to put the book down. The book is about a young girl named Claire. She has told everybody that she dosen't have a special talent like her brother and sister. If you don't have a special talent you are able to go to a regular school. Well she ends up getting into trouble and ends up going to Cambial the special school where her father is a professor and her mother is a assisant principal. Since she dosen't have a special she ends up going walking into the woods to see if you can talk to the animals like she use to when she was little. Along the way she meets a mysterious handsome boy named Dylan. After meeting him its when all things start happening at that school. Students and teachers start being kidnapped and Claire and her friends try to figure out who is taking them and why.
I really recommend you reading this book. Even teenagers would love to read this book if they are into humans having special talents. I couldn't put the book down. I forgot it on vacation for a couple of days and thats all I could think about was reading the next chapter and seeing how it ended. Hopefully this author writes a sequel to this book because I would definently be reading it.
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