30 November 2012

Book Review: Angelina's Secret by Lisa Rogers

Angelina's Secret
Angelina's Secret #1
Author: Lisa Rogers
Reading Level: YA
Genre: Paranormal/Ghost
Released: February 1st 2012
Review Source: Spencer Hill Press
Available: Amazon

Summary: (from goodreads) As a child, Angelina spent years in counseling learning that Josie, her imaginary friend, wasn't real, but it turns out her childhood friend wasn't imaginary after all.Now Angelina has to accept she's either (A) crazy or (B) able to see ghosts. Wanting to believe in her sanity, she chooses (B) and welcomes Josie back into her life. But even Josie can't help her deal with Shelly, the spirit of a confused teenager, and things go very, very wrong.When Angelina finds herself in a psychiatric hospital, she faces a choice: she can spend the rest of her life pretending to be someone she isn't, or she can embrace who she is and take a chance that she may never get to go home.

Angelina’s Secret is the story of a young girl who sees ghosts. As a small child, she is pushed to believe that they are just imaginary friends. At the insistence that she is truly seeing them, her parents send her to a mental ward to be treated. The story line might sound familiar, but as the story progressed I can say that it wasn’t just a typical, creepy “girl sees ghosts” story.

Angelina (or Angel, as she is called) is such a like able, can do-no-wrong type of girl that it makes me wonder how her parents could be so dismissive and assume she’s insane. Sure, it would be strange and alarming to have your kid tell you they see ghosts. But, sending them away when they’re dealing with something like that? Angel’s mother was just unrelenting, but her brother absolutely makes up for her character. It was heartfelt when he came home from college and was there with his family as they dealt with everything.

The different ghosts that Angel communicates with in the story are very entertaining. There was some background on each ghost and what they went through as well. They were in tune with Angel somehow and truly seemed to understand the tough situation she’s in by being able to see them. I think the various ghost characters were my favorite part of the story. They made an otherwise dreary-toned story, a little more fun to read. I love, love, love Josie! She is the first ghost Angel ever sees and befriends.

Being that Angelina’s Secret was less than 200 pages and the writing style is smooth and to the point, I’d recommend this light read to anyone who enjoys paranormal stories. The author will leave you wondering to the very end if Angel is really seeing and communicating with ghosts or if she was insane all along.

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