12 December 2012

#BIR2012: Angelfall by Susan Ee - Interview + Giveaway

Day 4 of #BIR2012 has just begun! 

Here are important details to know during #BIR2012: Make sure to follow and keep up with the main site: Best I've Read then check out the #BIR2012 Blog Roll:

On the Best I've Read Site these are the books featured today: 

Today's Best I've Read Book is:

Angelfall by Susan Ee
Penryn & the End of Days #1

Why was Angelfall chosen as a #BIR2012 book: I chose this book because still today and pretty much everyday, I bring it up with someone. The story Susan Ee created has stayed with me ever since I finished the book in one night. Every time I bump into a reader, I tell them about this book. What a concept in creating a Angel Apocalypse. Everyone talks about Zombie but not Angel. Well Susan Ee took it there and Oh my! Seriously, there is no wonder why they pick up the film rights on Angelfall. The story is perfect for the big screen. Can't wait for book 2!!! Read my full review of Angelfalll HERE

Interview with Susan Ee

OUaT: Welcome Susan to OUaT and congrats for being one of the BIR2012 authors this year. What are 3 things you never imagined would happen when you wrote Angelfall that have happen to you?

Thanks so much for having me on your site! Let's see, three things— such amazing and supportive readers, thousands of reviews, and a movie deal with Sam Raimi. These were beyond my dreams for my debut novel.

OUaT: Everyone talks about a Zombie Apocalypse, but in Angelfall its all about the Angel Apocalypse. Did the story always start off this way? Did you have different variations?

It's always been about the angels. I envisioned the angels before any other part of the story.

OUaT: In Angelfall how much research was involved and what did you reference to during the process of writing?

I dove into the Book of Enoch, which was one of the discoveries of the Dead Sea scrolls. It talks about the Watcher angels and how they took Daughters of Men as their wives. And then they had monster children. Fascinating stuff. I also did some research into fighting techniques through women's' self defense classes, jujitsu books, and consulted with a black belt martial artist. Then, I spent an evening with a weapons collector to figure out what kind of angel sword a petite girl could carry, as well as what types of guns the Resistance would carry. We decided a gladius would be the best sword for Penryn. I got to swing one around and felt the heft and balance of a gladius. It was fun.

OUaT: How did the cover of Angelfall come to be? How much were you involved in the process?

The cover was done by a Serbian artist who entered a book cover contest that I held for Angelfall. As soon as I saw it, I knew it was the one.

OUaT: If you could be one of your characters, who would you choose and why?

Penryn because she has the greatest chance of surviving. :)

Angelfall can be purchased via: Amazon • Barnes & NobleIndieBoundBook Depository
Follow Susan Ee via: WebGoodreadsFacebookTwitter

5 chapters sneak peak

Im happy to say OUaT is offering 2 copies of Angelfall to 2 lucky readers. Thanks to Amazon Children's Publishing making it possible. So enter below and dont forget to check out all the other blogs and the main site too during #BIR2012.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I still enjoy a good Zombie apocalypse but an Angel apocalypse sounds hardcore!

  2. I really enjoyed the interview :) And it's true, it's always all about the zomibe apocalypse so it'd be nice to read something different. Luckily my paperback will arrive sometime next week, yay!! Thank you for sharing!

    Siiri @ Little Pieces of Imagination

  3. I've been wanting to read this for sometime now. The idea of an Angel apocalypse sounds interesting, I'd like to see how that's played out

  4. sounds interesting and different :D

  5. An angel apocalypse sounds awesome! There's only so many zombie books you can read before they all start to blend together.

  6. It definitely sounds interesting. I'd rather see a zombie movie than read them...

  7. Freaking LOVE a badass angels apocalypse!

  8. I think it sounds pretty friggin awesome! I've seen this one out there and I really wanna read it!

  9. That sounds very interesting and different.

  10. I'd love to read about an Angel apocalypse! I'm so over Zombies!!

  11. I think it is a great idea! Angels definitely have a dark side! Thanks for the chance to win! Sounds great!

  12. I love angel books, so I am all for it! I've never been into Zombies and have only read a few of those because I just can't take them or get into them. Thanks for the giveaways!

  13. I think the idea of an Angel Apocalypse is definitely unique and fresh! Now I want to read this book even more!!!

  14. Any apocalyptic book is good, be it zombies or angels!

  15. Well I'll go for any apocalypse book and this one sounds different. And even though its with angels it sounds awesome and I've read some great reviews on it. I'm really looking forward to reading it! Thanks for the chance!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. An angel apocalypse would be interesting. I think zombies are overrated. Angels would be cool though.

  18. I like the sound of an angel apocalypse much better than a zombie one. Thanks for the giveaway.

  19. It sounds very interesting to me. Thanks for the chance to win it! (=

  20. This was definitely one of the most unique reads I had this year, my co-blogger absolutely adored it, and it's definitely worth giving a read to shake up a trend of paranormal romances.

  21. I think it sounds awesome and completely intriguing!

  22. Want. TO. Read! Did you hear that they're apparently going to make a movie of this according to moviepilot.com? The summary sounds so intriguing!

  23. WOW!! Now this is a completely different and sounds awesome!! I've heard of the book and I cannot wait to read it!! My fingers are double crossed for this book!!

  24. I wonder how it would affect my chances of survival...just when I thought I got zombies down, you throw angels at me.

    Lilian @ A Novel Toybox

  25. Like the Zombie apocalypse, I have read both good Angel books and some really bad ones. I actually prefer the Angels to the Zombies though.

  26. I'm personally a fan of the Zombie Apocalypse

  27. Rest of my comment didn't publish sorry. I do enjoy an Angel one as well but I just feel my/our chances are better against Zombies lol

  28. I haven't read a book featuring an angel apocalypse before, sounds interesting! :D
