11 December 2012

#BIR2012: Don't Breathe a Word by Holly Cupala - Interview + Giveaway

Day 3 of #BIR2012 has just begun! 

Here are important details to know during #BIR2012: Make sure to follow and keep up with the main site: Best I've Read then check out the #BIR2012 Blog Roll:

On the Best I've Read Site these are the books featured today: 

Today's Best I've Read Book is:

Don't Breathe A Word by Holly Cupala

Why was Don't Breathe a Word chosen as a #BIR2012 book: This book makes you feel such powerful  raw emotions. Its stays with you days and months after you read it. I felt so connected with each page or word when I read Don't Breathe a Word, Holly didn't hold back when it came to telling this story in its true color and form. So without a doubt Don't Breathe a Word had to be one of this year's #BIR2012 books. To read my full review of Don't Breathe a Word, just CLICK HERE.

Interview with Holly Cupala

OUaT: When you write your powerful novels, do they affect you like they affect the reader?

Thank you for the compliment, Yara! I love my characters (especially the most broken ones), and it’s definitely an emotional journey to write them. I hope readers care about them and feel their emotions and want to follow them into the heart of the story.

OUaT: Have you ever considered writing something other than contemporary/realistic fiction? If so what?

Absolutely. There are lots of ideas simmering—an allegorical fantasy, a speculative-eschatology, maybe even a theological mystery. Right now I’m working on a contemporary: four voices, four terrible secrets, and one explosive murder that will bring them all together. I don’t have to write realistic, but it’s hard not to write about secrets!

OUaT: If you can have one of your characters fall for another character in a different series, who would you pick and why?

I wonder…who would my characters like? Kartik from A Great and Terrible Beauty? (No wait, that’s me.) I imagine Kartik to look like my devastatingly handsome Indian husband. ;-)

Character-wise, I think maybe Miranda might like Owen from Sarah Dessen’s Just Listen, or Sebastian from Deb Caletti’s The Nature of Jade. It’s hard for me to imagine Joy wanting anyone but Creed from DBAW. Swoon. But wait, there’s Hugo in my next book… I’m hopelessly in love with him at the moment.

OUaT: How has your writing routine changed since your new baby was born?

Writing routine…? Definitely changed. I wrote as much as I possibly could on my next novel before DBAW and baby landed, and I’ve been chipping away at the last few layers whenever I have a few quiet moments. They are rare and much appreciated!

OUaT: What are 3 things on your author bucket list?

* Write a novel with a friend.
* Spend a month writing in some exotic locale, like on the coast of the Black Sea.
* Write a book that changes lives.

Thanks so much, Yara, for featuring DON’T BREATHE A WORD in your BIR 2012 list—it’s an honor to be included!

To Purchase Don't Breathe a Word: Amazon • Barnes & NobleIndieBoundBook Depository
Follow Holly Cupala via: WebGoodreadsFacebookTwitter

Two chapter sneak preview

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I just read this book and I loved it!! I can't wait for her next novel. And I have to agree, I could definitely see Miranda and Owen together. Two characters by two of my favorite authors.

  2. Those are pretty much my author bucket list answers too! : ) I love Holly. And her baby's name!

  3. "Write a book that changes lives"...I wonder if we all hope for that, or aim for it. :) Holly, I love all your simmering ideas -- sounds like very cool stuff, right up my alley! Looking forward to whatever comes out next from you.

    Thanks for the great interview!
