
#BIR2012: Last Rite by Lisa Desrochers - Interview + Giveaway

The 7th and finally day of #BIR2012 has just begun! 

Here are important details to know during #BIR2012: Make sure to follow and keep up with the main site: Best I've Read then check out the #BIR2012 Blog Roll:

On the Best I've Read Site these are the 5 days of books featured: 

Today's Best I've Read Book is:

Last Rite by Lisa Desrochers

Why was Last Rite chosen as a #BIR2012 book: Simple: Luc and Michael! Both were equally amazing in the trilogy. You loved both equally. Of course Last Rite is not just about Luc and Michael, Lisa created a thrilling tale with her demons & Angels. You were always on the edge of your seat with Last Rite just like the 2 installments before it. You can read my full review of Last Rite HERE.

Interview with Lisa Desrochers

OUaT: Have we seen or read the last of the Personal Demons series?
At the moment, there are no plans for any other Personal Demons books. I've had people suggest spinoffs involving Frannie's sisters or prequels of Gabe's and Luc's stories, but nothing's in the works.

OUaT: What did you enjoy writing or experiencing with Last Rite?
Finally gettig to write from Gabe's point of view was the highlight of Last Rite for me. He didn't want a POV in the previous two novels, but he demanded one in Last Rite. And writing him broke my heart.

OUaT: Is there a particular song that represents Last Rite when you hear it playing?
Absolutely. More than any of my other novels, there is one song that embodies this book, and I didn't even find it until after it was finished. It's like the band reached into my hard drive and pulled my novel out, then made it into a song. It's War by Poets of the fall, and here's the Youtube link:

OUaT: What can we expect for you in the near future?
Many things are in the works, some Personal Demons related and others not. I have several projects in progress and we're getting ready to submit the best thing I will ever write. All I can say about it is it's a YA contemporary with speculative elements.

OUaT: Favorite quote from Last Rite?
There are a few. I love Aaron's condescending nicknames for Gabe and how Rhen calls Gabe a used-up feather-face. But I guess I have to go with this...
Matt to Gabe: “Guardian angel protocol rule one: Never let down your guard, even for lemonade.”

Purchase Last Rite via: Amazon • Barnes & NobleIndieBoundBook Depository
Follow Lisa Desrochers via: Web • BlogGoodreadsFacebookTwitter

Thanks to Tor Teen we have a copy of Last Rite to give one lucky reader.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I wish there was more of a flat out schedule for it, but I really enjoyed this event! <3

  2. I loved having the direct post links from the beginning of the week to about mid-week. I'm assuming things just caught up with whoever was doing them and they just didn't have time. That is something I would like to see be done for the whole week so that I don't have to search each site for all their posts and giveaways to make sure I didn't miss anything. That is really the only thing I can think of. It was awesome again this year and I appreciate all the work and effort that everyone put forth to do it! Hopefully I'll win a book, but if not then there's always next year. ;) Thank you!

  3. This blog is great and I had no problems with anything. It was easy to find the books for the giveaway unlike some other blogs it wasn't as easy to find the books. That's the only thing I can think of to improve this blog hop is for the other blogs to make it easier to find the books for the giveaway.

  4. This has been so fun! Thanks so much for the great event!

  5. I agree, this has been fun! I'm really enjoying it =)

  6. Have to say this has got to be one of the best blogs I've ever come across! I wouldn't change a think for #BIR2013

    1. Sorry that was suppose to be "I wouldn't change a thing for #BIR2013!

  7. #BIR2013 is great the way it is

  8. I love #BIR2012! I look forward to it every year.

  9. I don't see any problems with BIR. I think it's great!

  10. #BIR2013 is just fine as is. I really enjoy your site.

  11. I love it! It reminds me of great books that I had forgotten about=)

  12. This is my first time participating in this so I really don't know where you guys can improve. I thought it was a lot of fun.

  13. I wish some of the other sites giveaways had lasted a little longer. But, I enjoyed all the posts and giveaways.


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