
#BIR2012: Stealing Parker by Miranda Kenneally - Interview + Giveaway

Day 5 of #BIR2012 has just begun! 

Here are important details to know during #BIR2012: Make sure to follow and keep up with the main site: Best I've Read then check out the #BIR2012 Blog Roll:

On the Best I've Read Site these are the books featured today: 

Today's Best I've Read Book is:

Stealing Parker by Miranda Kenneally
Hundred Oaks #2

Why was Stealing Parker chosen as a #BIR2012 book: Miranda's books give Girls a place, they are athletic and have no fear. She doesn't write her characters so they are shy, quite or gullible. Stealing Parker deals with everyday issues we have faced at one pint or another during our school years and I feel that even though these stories are addicting and juicy to read, you actually do learn something from the book. You can read my full review of Stealing Parker HERE.

Interview with Miranda Kenneally

OUaT: Welcome Parker to OUaT. What was your first reaction when you found out you would be in a book?

-- I thought, oh shit. Now every one's going to know the real reasons why I've been acting so wacky this past year. Also, I wondered if there would be a Lifetime movie about me. Maybe Demi Lovato could play me? Maybe?

OUaT: If you didn't play sports, what other activity would you have wanted to do?

-- I would've been on the school newspaper with my best friend, Drew. I want to say I would be the advice columnist, but I honestly don't know who would want advice from me. I'm a train wreck!

OUaT: What will you always remember about high school?

-- My first kiss with Will Whitfield.

OUaT: If you had a choice of who your book boyfriend could have been, who would you have picked?

-- Are you asking if I could have a book boyfriend like in another book? If so, I'd probably pick Po from GRACELING, because he is hot and badass. But if you're asking about my book (the one that might become a Lifetime movie- STEALING PARKER), then I would say Will/Corndog. :)

OUaT: If you go to a bookstore right now, what 3 items would you pick up?

I love historical romances, so I'd probably pick up The Duke and I by Julia Quinn, Mine Till Midnight by Lisa Kleypas, and Private Arrangements by Sherry Thomas.

If I could: go anywhere on vacation, I would take a cruise to Alaska.

I don’t really think I can: play tennis. I am the worst tennis player ever. I always hit the ball over the fence.

My life would be complete if: I had a screened-in porch and a fireplace.

Bloggers are: the reason my books have sold so well. :)

I only want to: get a starred review from Kirkus. Ha!

Purchase Stealing Parker via: Amazon • Barnes & NobleIndieBoundBook Depository
Follow Miranda Kenneally via: WebGoodreadsFacebookTwitter

So to celebrate Stealing Parker making this year's #BIR2012 list. Miranda is offering a signed copy of Stealing Parker to one lucky reader.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Alina from Shadow and Bone was a great main character.

  2. Sydney from Bloodlines/The Golden Lily.

  3. I loved Alex in the Covenant series and Katy in Onyx. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. Penryn from Angelfall by Susan Ee!
    Lacey T

  5. Thanks for the giveaway! A book I have read with a great female protagonist is Cinder; I have read many others too like like The Pledge, but then this comment will be really long! :)

  6. I would have to say Katniss in the Hunger Games!!

  7. I've been reading Divergent out loud to my boyfriend this week - definitely a strong, kick-ass female protagonist!

  8. There were many! One that comes to mind is Throne of Glass.

  9. So many! Immortal Rules, For Darkness Shows the Stars, Cinder, Scarlet, on and on...

  10. Eve Dallas from the In Death series by J.D Robb
    (Ileana A.-rafflecopter)

  11. My favorite of the year (that also has a strong female protagonist) is Cinder. She's smart, resourceful and I can't wait to find out what happens in Scarlet.

  12. All of my books, actually. I can't stand the weak-wristed damsel type. My favorite, though was Ismae from GRAVE MERCY. Nun assassin!

  13. Katniss is kick a$$; sorry, I had to say it! :D

  14. I've read a lot of books this year with strong female MCs, but a few that stand out are Allie from The Immortal Rules, Noa from Don't Turn Around, and Kali from Every Other Day. Thanks for the giveaway! ^_^

  15. Celia from the night circus and Allie from the immortal rules.~ Thanks for the give away!


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