
Book Event: Opal Book Release Party Recap + Giveaway

Hi everyone! So this Saturday that just past was the celebration for the Opal Book Release with Jennifer L. Armentrout and Pepe Toth a.k.a. "Daemon Black". The event was held at Barnes & Noble in Humble, TX. Along with Jennifer and Pepe, a few staff members from Entangled Publishing also came to the event: Liz Pelletier, Stacey Morgan and Stacey O’Neale. The event was a great turn out. There were over 100 fans in attendance and a handful of authors also came out to support and meet Jennifer. 

Before the event began Jennifer was treated to a surprise which was The City of Humble, TX gave a proclamation that December 15th would be Jennifer L. Armentrout day in Humble, TX. Jennifer was excited to receive this honor. Then around 7pm the event began. Jennifer and Pepe answered question for over an hour than afterwards signed books followed by pictures. During the signing, Entangled Publishing held a raffle. Quite a few fans won some great items. Even I won a really nice bookmark. 

Trini from A Book Lovers-Review and I were so pleased with how everything turned out. Over 250 books were sold plus Entangled Publishing handed over 100 books to the first 100 and book bloggers. After the event we ahead to dinner for a after party mingle. That was a nice turn out as well. Trini and I handed the gifts we got for Jennifer and Pepe there.

So below you will see slideshow of the pictures from the event (100 pictures in slideshow) and a collage with a few favorites. I will also have all the pictures loaded in the blog's Facebook page

Trini and I would love to just say THANK YOU to everyone: Jennifer, Pepe, Liz, Stacey, Stacey and all the fans and authors that came out to the event. We know some of you came from far away and we are truly grateful for that. Until the next one!!!

Thanks to Entangled Publishing I have a few copies of Opal I can awarded from the party. These copies are NOT signed. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Awesome recap! I was hoping for someone to recap the event! I really wish I was there! Thank you for posting the pictures and the giveaway!

  2. She definitely deserves her own day so that's pretty sweet that you guys made it happen! I can't wait to read OPAL!!!! Been waiting so long. The pictures are great. Thanks for sharing. I think Pepe is the perfect Daemon!

  3. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah im sooo green with envy right now! so want to meet Pepe and Jennifer the event is sooo cooool! loooved it! hope to win one of Opal soooo waaant it! THANK You for this giveaway! ^_^

  4. I love the pictures. It definitely looks like an amazing event.

  5. Awesome party pics! Looks like a great event!

  6. Great pics! Why don't things like this happen near me?

  7. Love the pics! Wish I could have been there.

  8. i love pepe's face in the shot of giving Jennifer a goft ina box. when he is lurk looking right. at. you.... O.O with that face...

  9. Jealous & Envy is what comes to my mind when I see the great photos! It looks like the event was a huge sucess and really fun. I wish I were there.

  10. I wish I was there! It looked like a lot of fun.

  11. Great pictures looks like you had alot of people and had a great time Congrats

  12. Love the pics and recap! Makes me wish even more I could have been there!!

  13. Ermergerd! Jerrnifer Ermerntrrrt and PerPer!!! I wanted to go so badly, but I'll meet JLA at the RT convention. Sadly Pepe won't there, though! Luky you, you got pictures of Pepe! Is he hotter in person?

  14. Wow, I'm sold on this book! Thanks for the recap and pics.

  15. That looks like so much fun! I've never been to a book event, but this looks likes it was a great one!

  16. The photos are great! Thanks for the post and the giveaway.

  17. Thanks for sharing! It looks like it was quite an event! Great recap and photos too! Also thanks for the giveaway!

  18. It sounds like it was great! I'm soooo jealous!

  19. 20 mins from my house and I couldn't make it!
    *cries inconsolably!*
    Thank you for taking pictures!

  20. Wow! Looks like so many people were there! Awesome pictures - Pepe's outfit is so cute!


  21. This looks like such a cool event! I think it's pretty awesome that they had the cover model come to the event- I've never heard of any other signing/release party where they do that! (:

  22. Thanks so much for sharing the pictures. Wish I could have been there. :)

  23. I am so glad that you all do this, so even if I never get to go to one of these then I still get a peek into what happened. Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. Looked like you had a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing!

  25. Looks like fun! Wished authors came more often to Canada :(

  26. I'm so bummed I couldn't make it to the event, I was taking a CHL class. So thanks for doing this, now I feel as if I were there!

  27. Looks like you guys had loads of fun. I'm so jealous I live so far away

  28. It's awesome! So envious. Anyone who can attend is VERY LUCKY

  29. Lovely pictures! So nice for you to share them. :)

  30. Sounds fabulous! That is so awesome that JLA has an honorary day in Humble, TX. Great pictures - wish I could've been there, too!

  31. This looked like such a fun event Yara, and you have piqued my interest in the books! Definitely adding to my To Be Read List for 2013!

  32. I liked your pictures. Made me feel I missed out on a fun party. But what really comes most to mind is you look so very much like a woman who lives by me. So much so I wonder if there could be a relation. Anyway thanks for sharing about the fun.

  33. Love, Love, LOVED the pictures and event wrap up! It was awesome for those of us that were unable to make it out there. :) It looked like a really great time! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  34. I wish I could have been there. The pictures are awesome, but kind of make me sad I wasn't there.

  35. Jealousy is really the only thought I have right now! Your pics are amazing!

  36. Awesome recap~~~ I had really hoped that I could of been there. It looks like everyone had lots of fun! :)Love the series!

  37. Great recap! I really wish I could have gone! I'm so jelly! (: glad you had a great time!

  38. So much AWESOME! I'm super jelly to miss it, I bet it was AMAZING!

  39. I love the pics. That is Awesome that so many books were sold, and congrats to the lucky 100 bloggers!

  40. Fantastic pics. Looks like it was a blast!

  41. I've told my husband that if we ever move it needs to be to Texas because you guys have all the very best book events! This is no exception! What a fabulous thing! Thank you so much for posting all the info and great pictures! Makes all of us who live in Idaho feel like we were there! Thanks for all you do Yara and for the wonderful giveaway too!

  42. So glad I got to meet you, there <3

  43. The book signing looks like a lot of fun great pictures!
    Thank you for the great giveaway!

  44. Looked like something to be jealous of. Wish I could have gone! Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  45. Loved the pics! I sure wish I could have been there. :)

  46. The pictures are awesome and I wish that I could have been there.

  47. Awesome post!! So jealous!! Pepe looks great swoon...

  48. The collage is so great! Wish I was there...

  49. Love all your pictures that must have been so much fun!!!

  50. You did a fantastic job. I haven't read the series yet, but will try. :)

  51. Man i wish i knew i live in Texas i would have tried to make it :-( looks like it was a blast!!

  52. I think all your events are awesome

    Rafflecopter Name: Stephanie LaPlante

  53. I think the event looks AWESOME! I wish I could have been there!!

  54. Awesome recap! I love the series and can't wait to read Opal!

  55. Hi! Loved the recap and the pics! Pepe is so gorgeous! *_* I just started reading Obsidian and I absolutely love the book!


  56. Great Pictures. Looks like the event was VERY successful.

    Heather ~ Books Books and More Books

  57. LOVED the pics. Pepe gets hotter every time I look at him LOL

  58. Pepe is so gorgeous. I am a little jealous you got to see him.

  59. I'm insanely jealous; looked like you had a fabulous time.


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