02 December 2012

Stacking the Shelves: 12/2/12

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews

Our Latest Goodies:

  • Easy by Tammara Webber - Yara
  • Angelfall by Susan Ee - Ana (as of 11/30 - Angelfall is only $1.75 (paperback) & $1.66 (ebook) for a limited time only)
Blog Tour Content: (*Blood Awakening Blog Tour coming in April 2013)
  • 3 - Blood Awakening by Jamie Manning (ARCs)
  • 2 - Blood Born by Jamie Manning (hardcover)
  • Blood Awakening Bookmarks
  • Blood Awakening Magnets
* If you are a blogger and are intereste din being a part of Blood Awakening Blog Tour, contact us via EMAIL


  1. Angelfall was one of my FAVORITE books of 2012. Just amazing! Easy was another good read for me. I hope you enjoy your great haul. :)

    see what I grabbed this week at Read. Sleep. Repeat. Stacking the Shelves

    (old follower)

  2. YAY for Easy!! Sorry, I'm slightly in love with that book right now. I tried to explain my love in my IMM video and it was a mess LOL
    Great books as usual! Enjoy! :-)

  3. I also purchased Angelfall this week. It hasn't gotten here yet, but I'm very excited after reading all the positive reviews!

  4. Great books this week! I still need to read Shatter Me before I can get to the sequel! And congrats on the Kindle and e-books! Enjoy!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

  5. Wow, a lot of awesome books this week. I have Shatter Me and Hallowed but haven't read them as yet. Want Easy, it sounds so great. Congratulations on the Kindle, love my Kindles.

    Please come by and check out My Mailbox ~ Katie

  6. The Tragedy Paper is realllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy gooooood, trust me. I enjoyed reading every single page and it's definitely a page-turner book. Happy reading :) here's my review of it if you want to read it.. http://littlebookstar.wordpress.com/2012/11/29/review-the-tragedy-paper-by-elizabeth-laban/#comments
    Little Book Star
