Cover Reveal: Firefly by Belle Whittington

We are happy to share with you all the cover to Belle Whittington's sequel in the Cicada series. 

Cicada #2
Author: Belle Whittington
Cover Artist: LB Whittington
Release Date: February 2nd 2013
Genre: Romance/Supernatural
Available: Here

Author Bio: Belle resides somewhere north of Houston, Texas in a small inconsequential town with the smallest most inconsequential name. There, in the shady reaches of the pines, elms, and oaks, she daydreams of adventures and secrets that she weaves throughout her stories.

Having studied literature at University of Houston, Belle has been known to consider teaching at the college level someday.

Author Links: Web | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Find more about/purchase Cicada: Goodreads

Rafflecopter Giveaway:

One winner will receive ebooks of both Cicada and Firefly and book swag. The giveaway is international and ends on Firefly release date, February 2nd.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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