04 January 2013

Friday Five: 1/4/13: Five Resolutions I'll Probably Break

Update to Friday Five: Today will be the last Friday Five we post on the blog. It has been great posting these for the last year. I just feel that the site needs to use Friday for a new post. So Ill be dedicating Friday to authors. We will feature interviews, author posts and much more. So look out for that starting next week. 

It's Friday so that means Friday Five that was inspired by Author Cheryl Renee Herbsman. Our friends at Eve's Fan Garden and Page Turners have also taken part in this meme. Each Friday we will post a question or topic, then respond with our five choices.

Five Resolutions I'll Probably Break

  • To try and begin to use electronic calendar instead of written calendar by hand. 
  • I plan to read more books out of my comfort genres. 
  • Eat less junk food 
  • Try to keep my new bookshelves in the order I placed all books 
  • Try not to read till 5 or 6am during the week.

  • Eating healthier 
  • Exercise more often 
  • Stress less 
  • Try to reduce my time on the iPad 
  • Balance my checkbook

  • Try losing weight but end up falling off the bandwagon 
  • Trying to not take on so much at one time 
  • Learning how to have people help me do things 
  • Don't let my OCD bother me so much 
  • Learn to have a messy house once in a while

1 comment:

  1. I'll miss the Friday Five but I'm really looking forward to the new author feature!

    I don't do well sticking to resolutions either so this year I made goals instead. I posted about it on my blog too. :)

