22 February 2013

Literary Beginnings & Red Carpet Endings + GIVEAWAY

Update: After I posted this giveaway we transferred over the site to wordpress. So you cant follow via GFC anymore. To follow us you can subscribe by email, like our Facebook page or add us to your feed. I will remove GFC from this post and rafflecopter giveaway. 

Hey everyone! I wanted to let you guys know of a new site that Lisa (OUaT Reviewer) and I started up. I had been pondering this idea for a very long time and certain events held me back from starting it sooner. Then recently I told Lisa what I had in mind and she said "Let's do it". So Lisa and I created a site where we hope to keep everyone updated with current news on books that have become movies, TV Shows, ext... We want to follow the journey from its beginning until its red carpet ending (or in TV case, prime time debut).

Since this site is a book review site, I didn't want take away from the reviews, blog tours and everything having to do with books. I will still keep up the Pens! Camera! ACTION tab if I need to share something via this site but to get more details check out Literary Beginnings & Red Carpet Endings.

So we hope that our loyal followers here will also become fans of this new venture. Once Upon a Twilight will continue to go strong. This new site will not affect here in any way. We just wanted everyone to have a place to go for the latest on what is happening with the books we love and them becoming movies.

So without holding you up anymore, Lisa and I would love if you help support the site by following the site. Below you can see ways to follow us and stay connected.

Follow Literary Beginnings & Red Carpet Endings via: WebFacebookTwitter

p.s. We just started this site and we ask that you bare with us as we get ourselves settled in a schedule as far as information and site layout.

To bribe you guys just a little, Im offering a giveaway today. The entries will be easy. They will be to follow the new site via Facebook/Twitter. Now what prizes are up for grabs??? You can choose between a signed movie-tie edition of The Host or 2 choices of 2013 ARCs from OUaT's library.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'm a huge fan of The Host and of Stephenie Meyers. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  2. This is awesome! I'm heading right over.

  3. Your new blog is incredible! Only thing is, I searched and low on it and could not find where to follow you on GFC! Can you tell me where I can find it? Thanks
