Welcome to our stop on the WAIT FOR YOU blog tour. Wait For You is written by J. Lynn (a.k.a. Jennifer L. Armentrout). Wait For You is the first book in this New Adult series. You can check out the full schedule for the Wait For You tour HERE.
Wait For You
Wait For You #1
Author: J. Lynn (Jennifer L. Armentrout)
Reading Level: New Adult
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Released: February 26th 2013
Review Source: Blog Tour
Available: Amazon • Barnes & Noble

Summary: (from goodreads) Some things are worth waiting for…
Traveling thousands of miles from home to enter college is the only way nineteen-year-old Avery Morgansten can escape what happened at the Halloween party five years ago—an event that forever changed her life. All she needs to do is make it to her classes on time, make sure the bracelet on her left wrist stays in place, not draw any attention to herself, and maybe—please God—make a few friends, because surely that would be a nice change of pace. The one thing she didn’t need and never planned on was capturing the attention of the one guy who could shatter the precarious future she’s building for herself.
Some things are worth experiencing…
Cameron Hamilton is six feet and three inches of swoon-worthy hotness, complete with a pair of striking blue eyes and a remarkable ability to make her want things she believed were irrevocably stolen from her. She knows she needs to stay away from him, but Cam is freaking everywhere, with his charm, his witty banter, and that damn dimple that’s just so… so lickable. Getting involved with him is dangerous, but when ignoring the simmering tension that sparks whenever they are around each other becomes impossible, he brings out a side of her she never knew existed.
Some things should never be kept quiet…
But when Avery starts receiving threatening emails and phone calls forcing her to face a past she wants silenced, she has no other choice but to acknowledge that someone is refusing to allow her to let go of that night when everything changed. When the devastating truth comes out, will she resurface this time with one less scar? And can Cam be there to help her or will he be dragged down with her?
And some things are worth fighting for…
Step aside Daemon, there is a new book hottie in town and his name is Cameron. Seriously what has Jennifer written that hasn't been successful. You can see for yourself on the NYT bestseller list and USA Today list. Her books didn't magically appear on those list. She work her ass off writing them and it shows. Wait For You is a first for Jennifer in the sense that its in the New Adult level. She scored with flying colors in this category. It as if Cam was shooting a penalty kick and made it into the goal and wins the World Cup. This book was Saucy-Licious from page one until the last word written.
(Look its Raphael)
Wait For You took me back to my college years. The going to classes, parties and just hanging out gabbing a bite to eat. This made the story extremely believable and not fictional to me. Then you add the characters, that didn't just madly fall in love with one another. It was a work in progress with flirting, courting and even some joking around. This wasn't that Cinderella fairytale romance, you read in many books today. Wait For You lets you connected or associate with each character or event taking place in a real manner. As a girl, you get to follow along as if your the protagonist herself or her BFF and fall in love with the main guy. Of course, you hurt when she hurts too. Giving them both real life issues also made them come across as real people. Not every single character in a book should be perfect. In the real world we all have pasts, presents and futures. So with all that being said, Jennifer really did a exceptional job with Wait For You.
Wait For You follows Avery on her first day of at the University. She decided to attend a university far away from home to get away from her past and everyone surrounding her past that includes her parents. So she took extra time to plan on getting to her first class. What she didn't plan for was to smack right in to Cam. Cam is that ice cold drink in the middle of the Sahara desert you would kill for. So Avery freaks out, wouldn't you??? Bonus though is getting called sweetheart by this sexy wall you have just ran into, that is holding on to you so you don't fall flat on your ass. To make matters even more embarrassing, Cam is in that class she was trying to get to on time. Awkward, much? Avery panics and well, she takes off and ends up ditching her first class of Astronomy. Seems that the stars were not aligned at that moment for her. So Avery knows she can't do that again. She meets some new friends and ends up getting partnered with Cam in Astronomy class. This is when Cam starts his campaign to get Avery to say yes to a date with him. Avery thinks she can handle it and can keep saying no. She just isn't ready for anything relating to guys or dating. Its been a hard 5 years since her life was forever changed and she just can't bring that wall down she worked very hard at building. When walls are down, people get hurt and she wont risk it, no matter how stinking hot Cam is.
What I didn't mention is that Cam happens to live in the same building, on the same floor kinda across the hall from Avery. Also Cam isn't the the type of guy to give up so easily. He will stop at nothing to get Avery to go out on a date with him. If it means he has to come over every Sunday at 8am with eggs and a skillet to cook her breakfast, then so be it. Oh one more tidbit, Cam can cook and that means he bakes deserts too. Yea, wait till you read a certain part in the book that Cam is teasing Avery with the cookies he baked. I might have drooled on the book, salivating both him and the cookies. You will never look at a cookie the same ever again.
Wait For You is the prefect book to read if you want to read some great dialogue, witty banter and swoon worthy compliments. Then add the great characters and story to back them up and you got one hell of a book. It has all kinds of saucy that will speed up your heart rate. It has that Happy Ever After but also some real issues to overcome to get to that happy place. Everything about this book compliments one another. Just read it today and you will agree with me and everyone else that is giving it excellent ratings. This one is one I will be talking about for a while and telling everyone I know to read.
p.s. Who wouldn't fall heads over heal with a guy that has a pet turtle? Just Sayin!!!
I am happy to announce that besides being a amazing book, I can offer today the item you see pictured below. Once you read the book, you will get it completely. #TEAMRAPHAEL (Each stop on the tour has their own unique giveaway, don't miss it)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Sunday morning breakfast!! Sweetest thing ever.
ReplyDeleteChristina K. in the rafflecopter
ReplyDeleteI haven't read it yet, but I do want to because of Cameron!! And the turtle:) Jennifer Armentrout's romances, characters and plot are always amazing - likable, real, raw and hot:)
Thank you:)
Sounds great! Love great witty dialogue so will look for it!
ReplyDeleteGreat review. Love your turtle picture and Cameron of course.
ReplyDeleteGreat review Yara! That is a gorgeous necklace and the GOAL turtle photo was hilarious!!!! I definitely need to add these to my growing TBR pile!
ReplyDeleteWhat I loved about Wait for You? CAM <3
ReplyDeleteI have not read this yet but so far the reviews have been awesome!!
ReplyDeleteI have read it and really enjoyed it!! Cam was such a sweetie.
ReplyDeleteGreat review! I haven't read it but I really want to because it sounds really good.
ReplyDeleteRead it and I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. Love her writing :)
ReplyDeleteI haven't but can't imagine anything Armentrout writes not being awesome!
ReplyDeleteI haven't read it yet but I plan to because I've loved everything else I've read by JLA so I'm sure I'll love J.Lynn too!
ReplyDeleteAnother amazing review for Wait For You! I'm not surprised. :) I just downloaded it today and I have a feeling I will be reading it VERY soon! :)
ReplyDeleteI haven't read it yet, but with all the wonderful reviews I've seen, I don't think I have a choice! The book sounds amazing :)
ReplyDeleteThis book sounds awesome! Definitely on the top of my want list :) thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI haven't read it yet but I really want to. It sounds really good. Sounds like a wonderful love story. Thanks for the giveaway. Tore923@aol.com
ReplyDeleteI haven't read it yet but bought it last week and hope to read it next!
ReplyDeleteI am currently reading it and so far I love the characters. I love Cam of course but I also love Jacob and Brit as supporting characters. Avery is a love/hate relationship for me so far.
ReplyDeleteI loved everything about Wait For You! But my most favoritest parts are those featuring the one and only Cam! ♥
ReplyDeleteThanks for the ahhh-mazing giveaway! :))
I've heard nothing but great things about this book. Can't wait to read it :)
ReplyDeleteHaven't read it yet but I really want to now since your review made it sound really good!
ReplyDeleteI'm actually currently reading this one, and I really like it. Cam is adorable <3
ReplyDeleteI am currently reading it right now and I'm absolutely in love with it. I love it because it's just so real, like the problems in the book, are so relatable, sexual frustration in a relationship, abuse in a relationship, drinking, rape, just all of those are real life problems we face and I just love this book because it's real. I'm more into paranormal romance because it's fantasy and it isn't real, so coming across a book like this, it's nice to read something normal and relatable. I'm in college as well, so I can relate to these characters and the setting. All I can say is I hope I come across my Cam one day (: <3
ReplyDeleteMy favorite parts were the steamy parts. He he. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat I loved was the characters, they're so likable and you just can't help but love them.
ReplyDeleteI love how Cam loves her no matter what and would do anything for her. Hes perfect!
ReplyDeleteWell aside from loving Cam, I also loved Avery. She was funny, and strong, and I loved her as a protagonist. The part I loved about Wait For You was have to be Raphael. Perfect addition to the story and just plain funny!
ReplyDeleteI have the book on my kindle just waiting for me!
ReplyDeleteI loved Avery struggle to accept herself and what she'd been through!
ReplyDeleteGoes to show that true love will conquer all. If there is trust and hope will will make it, always.
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