Once Upon a Twilight turns 3!

Happy Birthday to us. Can you believe it? Its been 3 years already since Once Upon a Twilight kicked off. The Hulk roller coaster at Universal Island is no comparison to the ride we have been on. THANK YOU to everyone that has been riding along all these years. Without the support and love from each and every one of you, we wouldn't be here today celebrating 3 years. I can't even begin to express how awesome is it to belong to such an amazing community. I get told all the time, "Why do you do it. Its so much work and time you have to put into the site and you don't get paid for it". I always respond the same way. "I get paid by knowing someone out there is reading what we are posting and enjoying it. That's payment enough."

So much has happen in the past 3 years. It crazy how a site that began for a few friends to read a about my traveling adventures and books I had read has become what it is today. Once Upon a Twilight is now a family that consist of over 10 reviewers. We call us a coven but really we are a family. There is not a single day that passes that we don't all talk to each other. We talk books and life. Now on the site you can read about so much having to do with books, authors and everything in between. I can literally sit here all day and just gush about everything that has happen in the past 3 years, but I won't. Just know that each and everyone one of us are THANKFUL to everyone who has befriend us where ever they find one of us, we are THANKFUL to the authors, publishers, agents that have put faith in us to help you out. I am THANKFUL for my coven, without you guys OUaT wouldn't be what it is today. To anyone I haven't included already, we are THANKFUL for you too. We have a saying here at Once Upon a Twilight "A book began the bond of a lifetime". 

So enough with the heavy and let's being the party! So along with cake and cupcakes (cant have a birthday without either), we have a nice box full of 2013 Young Adult ARCs (10) to give out with confetti!!!!  Plus for those that love their saucy books, a box full of Adult 2013 new releases/paperbacks (6). 

We also want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of our own that celebrated her 11th birthday on the 15th. A day before the blog's birthday. Having Bridget on the OUaT team , is such a huge asset. I have yet to meet a tween like her (not even my kids) that read YA books like she does. You would be fascinated within the first 30secs you sit and chat with her. So Ms. Bridget, from everyone on the team, we wish you the happiest 11th birthday ever. We hope this year is full of amazing things for you. xoxo

These are the prizes. 2013 YA ARCS (on left) and Adult PBs (on right)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Happy Blogoversary, girls!!
    (Ileana A.-rafflecopter)

  2. Congratulations on three years, guys! I hope you guys have many more!

  3. Congrats! Happy blogoversary i wish you many more year of reading and blogging pleasure ( you do have your blogoversary on my birthday so i will remember teh date ;))

  4. CONGRATS!! 3 years is super impressive! My co-blogger and I are on 3 months :)

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

  5. Happy blogoversary! Wishing you many more!

  6. Happy Blogoversary, girls!! 3 years is such a huge accomplishment, CONGRATS! Here's to many, many many more years!!

  7. Happy blogoversary! Three years is immense in a constantly changing internet landscape. Congrats! And thanks so much for the giveaway :)

  8. Uber congrats!!!! You guys are fabulous :D

  9. Happy blogoversary and more power to your blog!

  10. Happy 3 year Blogoversary! Great book giveaway.

  11. Happy Bloversary!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. Congrats on your 3rd Blogoversary! Looking great!

  13. Happy blogoversary!!! Wow, 3 years!!! What a HUGE milestone!!! Here's to many, many more years to come!!! :D

  14. Three years! That's amazing! Happy BLogoversary and here's to three more years!

  15. Happy 3rd Blogoversary! I'm so Happy to be a part of it! It feels like it's my party too with the giveaway! Thank you! I follow you on GFC, my user name is Melinda Dartmann! Good Luck and Many more years of Blogoversary's to you!

  16. Happy Blogoversary!! May you have have many many more.

    (Lori Thomas)

  17. Congrats on making it 3 years and hopefully there will be many more to come!!!!

  18. Happy Blogoversary! I've been following Once Upon a Twilight since I started my own blog and it's grown so much over the years! Thank-you so much for the all the wonderful content that you guys have posted! And cheers to a great year ahead! :D

  19. Congratulations on 3 years. I love your blog. Thanks for the giveaway. Tore923@aol.com

  20. Happy blogoversary!

  21. Congrats and Happy Blogiversary

  22. Happy Blogoversary! Thank you for the great posts, reviews and giveaways!

  23. Congrats on 3 years! I love your blog, I always look forward to email updates!

  24. Happy Blogoversary! Congrats on the huge milestone! Wishing you many more years of blogging to come. :)

  25. I thought you were two. Happy Blogoversary anyway! :)

  26. Congrats on 3 years! Wow! My blog is still a baby, not even a year old lol

    Happy blogoversary!

  27. Happy Blogoversary!!! Thanks for all of the great reviews and giveaways.

  28. Congratulations on three years & may you have many more!!

  29. Happy Blogoversary! Here's wishing you many, many more! I love this blog and thank you so much for all of the hard work and dedication you've put into it. I love seeing your name in my inbox and I look forward to every new post :)

  30. Congrats:)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  31. Congratulations! I'm so glad that you started blogging--I love reading your blog!

  32. Happy 3rd Blogoversary and thank you so much for the awesome giveaway! :)

  33. And yeah, I'd love it if you'd follow me back at Forever YA. :)

  34. Congrats on your 3 year blogoversary and I hope you have many more years to come. This is one of my favorite blogs. Have a wonderful day!!!!

  35. Congrats!!!
    And thanks a lot for this amazing giveaway :)

  36. Happy 3rd Blogoversary! Thanks for the great giveaway!!

  37. Holy Crow! i can't believe you've only been bloging for 3years!!!! The books i've read, honestly, have pretty much always been reccomended by you guys and half the time i find out about the book from you! <3 happy 3rd year and many more to come:)

  38. WOW!! Congrats on 3 years!! I love reading your posts and emails. I hope there are many more years to come ;-)

  39. Yay! Happy Blogoversary! 3 years, just wow. Love your blog. And thank you so very much for making this giveaway International. I love you!

  40. Happy Blogoversary! Thanks so much for the giveaway:)

  41. Yay! Happy Blogoversary!

    Thank you so much for this awesome giveaway to celebrate :)

  42. Thank you for the awesome giveaway! There are so many books in that pile that I am dying to read. Happy Blogoversary!

  43. Happy Blogoversary! 3 years shows amazing dedication. :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  44. Three years is a HUGE deal! Congratulations, happy blogoversary, and my best wishes for continued success and fun! :)

  45. Happy blogoversary & thanks for the chance to win!

  46. Whoa... that is QUITE a giveaway! Happy Blogoversary!

    mestith at gmail dot com

  47. So many books! *Wipes drool off face* Happy Blogoversary! :D

    Daphne @ Reading Until Dawn

  48. Congrats on 3 years! That is awesome! And thanks for the amazing giveaway!!

  49. I love the name of your blog.. it reminds me of my favorite TV series Once Upon A Time :)

  50. Happy 3rd Bloversary! I've enjoyed being around.

  51. Congrats on your 3rd Blogoversary, ladies!! My best wishes for continued success and fun! And i will always following your blog.

  52. Congrats on 3 wonderful years of blogging! May you have many more to come!

  53. That is fabulous! I feel like you have been around a lot longer, since I've been following you for some time. Thanks for the great giveaway!

    Tressa @ Tressa's Wishful Endings

  54. Amazing giveaway! AMAZING! Thank you so much! Lol look at those ARCs! They're so pretty!

    Happy Blogoversary!

  55. Happy Blogoversary! Three years is a big accomplishment!! Keep up the great work!

  56. Happy Blog Birthday! I hope there are many more to come~

  57. Happy blogoversary, and thanks for the fantastic giveaway! So many of those YA books are on my wishlist...

  58. Happy Birthday!! OUAT is one of my favorite blog and I am so happy to have met Yara at the JLA event in Houston this year!!

    Keep up the good work guys!!

  59. Congrats! Your blog gave me lots of fun and enjoyment!

  60. Happy Blogoversay!! Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  61. Happy Blogoversary! Three years is an awesome accomplishment! All the best to you, Yara, and the wonderful 'coven'!

    Thank you for the giveaway.

  62. Wow, three years is a really long time to be blogging. Congratulations guys, you should be proud! :D
    Penny Pe

  63. Happy Blogoversary and thanks for the giveaway!
    Have a great week :)

  64. Happy 3rd blogoversary :) Thank you for the int giveaway!

  65. Happy 3rd blogoversary!!!! This is an awesome giveaway!

  66. omg Happy Blogoversary. Congrats on the the 3 years. And thanks for they awesome giveaway.

  67. Wow, three years is a really big deal! That's super awesome! Awesome giveaway too!

  68. Happy Anniversary! I just found your blog and look forward to following!! :)

  69. Happy 3rd Blogoversary!! :) and many more to you. I'm a new follower, and look forward to reading through your posts. Thanks for an amazing giveaway to celebrate!
    oddball2003 at hotmail dot com

  70. Happy birthday to your blog and to that sweet child :-)
    Thanks to the anniversary I've found out about your blog. I'd love to stay, thank you!
    Kisses from Spain.

  71. Congratulations! Three years is awesome! Hope your blog lasts for 33 more years and than for 33 more. etc:P
    Thank you for this awesome giveaway!(:

  72. Happy 3rd Birthday! How exciting!

  73. Three years is such a great anniversary to be celebrating! Well done! And hears to another three years (and more!)

  74. Happy Blogoversary!! ♥ It´s Amazing! ♥
    (Joss A.-rafflecopter)

    Thank you for this awesome giveaway!!! ♥

  75. Three years and look at you. Congrats. I haven't read any of those books! Thanks for such a great giveaway.

  76. Happy 3rd Birthday! Thanks for celebrating with a great contest!

  77. Happy blogoversary! Thanks for 3 great years and for many more in the future! Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

    Suz Reads

  78. Happy Blogoversary. Thank you for three years of hard efforts and sharing with us. I love visiting and am so appreciative for the joy you bring me. May the next year bring you every success and joy with loads of good books :)

  79. Congratulations on 3 years!! That is so exciting (:

  80. Congrats on the Blogoversary. Thanks for the giveaway.


  81. What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you!!

  82. i have stumbled on this and i am glad i did and then i love to read all any kind of books

  83. Happy blogoversary! And Happy birthday to Bridget!
    I know, it takes time off our day to blog and read and comment but it is worth it. You get to meet a lot of new people from all over the world and new authors. Hope you have many more years of fun with everyone! Happy reading and blogging!

  84. Happy happy 3rd blogoversary!
    Hope you're having a great day, too.
    Keep blogging!

  85. Congratulations! Three years is quite the milestone. Good luck for the future and happy blogoversary!

  86. Thanks! I've found so many books to read thanks to you guys! Currently Vampire Academy series. :)

  87. How Exciting, Congrats!!!
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway

  88. How Exciting, Congrats!!!
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway

  89. Wow happy blogoversary to OUaT and Happy Belated Bday to Bridget. I spotted Insurgent! Woot...

    Thanks for the giveaway. Very cool!

    Raffle name: Nikki O

  90. Congrats on 3 years! Wishing you many, many more!

    Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!

  91. Wow! Congrats on 3 years guys! Happy Blogoversary!

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

  92. Congratulations!:) Happy 3rd year blogoversary to you guys!:)

    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway and for making it INT ;)

  93. Happy Blogoversary! I love your blog! Thanks for the chance to win!
    Brittany S

  94. So many great arcs! Happy Blog Birthday!

  95. Happy, happy, happy 3rd blogoversary!!! :) Wishing you many, many more awesome years to come! :)
    Thanks for an amazing giveaway! :)

  96. Happy blogoversary! Love your reviews!

  97. Thanks for the great giveaway!! You are so awesome!!! Happy Blogoversary!!! <3

  98. Congratulations!! Thanks for the giveaway! : )

  99. Happy blogoversary! CONGRATS on the 3 years! Your blos is amazing, so your doin something right! :) Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  100. Happy 3rd blogoversary!I wish you many more!

  101. Congrats on your 3rd blogversary-Such an amazing milestone! :D

  102. Congrats on your blogoversary! And this is such a great contest! You guys are fantastic! :3

  103. Wow--congratulations on three years, guys!

    And thanks so much for the opportunity to win!
    - Ava

  104. What a great giveaway ladies! Thanks so much!

  105. What a great giveaway!!! and Happy Blogoversary!!!

  106. Thank you for this awesome giveaway :D

  107. Happy 3rd Blogoversary!!! *throws confetti
    Hope you get all your heart desires :))

  108. Happy Blogoversary probably my favorite blog to read!

  109. Happy 3rd!!! I don't know how I haven't found you before (apparently I've been living under a rock), but I am here now and look forward to befriending you in the years to come! Happy reading, and thanks for the giveaway! (And pardon me for drooling over that yummy pile of YA ARCs. ;)

  110. Happy 3rd Birthday, Once Upon a Twilight! Thank you for the awesome, and I do mean AWESOME giveaway!

  111. Happy Blogoversary and thank you for this giveaway!

  112. Thank you so much for this amazingness! Happy Blogoversary! I can only imagine how excited you must be! Keep up the great work and thanks again for your generosity!

  113. Happy 3rd Bday Yara and all of the reviewers! Thanks for a chance to win these awesome books.

  114. Happy Blogaversary dear!!! Well done on all your achievements and for blazing the trail for all the bloggers behind you. I know you were a huge help and role model when I started Me, My Shelf and I! Can't wait to see you in New York!! Tackle hugs coming!!!


  115. Congratulations on 3 years! There are so many good books in those piles. I would probably pick the YA only because I haven't read any of those. I loved Bitten and have read a few in that series. Her YA series are so good too.


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