24 March 2013

Stacking the Shelves: 3/24/13

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews

For Review:


  1. Man, you got some very impressive titles this week. Sometimes I wonder how you guys keep up with everything.


  2. Jesus in the clouds... I can't even start to envy you for one book when I see another book I should envy you about right away!!!!

    Hope you enjoy them all!!!
    Ashes on The Waves T___T
    Happy Reading!!!
    Here's what I got this week if you'd like to stalk.
    Alba @ BookPics

  3. SO many great ones here this week! Many I have on my TBR, but also ones I've never heard of like SYLO and Tarnish. That cover on Phoenix is such a brilliant cover; I just love it! I'm very curious about Unnatural Creatures. I love short story collections; I just can't seem to resist them. Happy reading.
    Our Week in Books @Libby Blog
