Waiting on Wednesday: Icons by Margaret Stohl

Waiting on Wednesday

"Waiting On Wednesday" is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking The Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Icons# 1
Author: Margaret Stohl 
Release Date: May 7th, 2013
Publisher: Little Brown Books For Young Readers
Available: Amazon / Barnes and Noble / IndieBound

Summary(from goodreads)Your heart beats only with their permission.

Everything changed on The Day. The day the windows shattered. The day the power stopped. The day Dol's family dropped dead. The day Earth lost a war it didn't know it was fighting.

Since then, Dol has lived a simple life in the countryside -- safe from the shadow of the Icon and its terrifying power. Hiding from the one truth she can't avoid.

She's different. She survived. Why?

When Dol and her best friend, Ro, are captured and taken to the Embassy, off the coast of the sprawling metropolis once known as the City of Angels, they find only more questions. While Ro and fellow hostage Tima rage against their captors, Dol finds herself drawn to Lucas, the Ambassador's privileged son. But the four teens are more alike than they might think, and the timing of their meeting isn't a coincidence. It's a conspiracy.

Within the Icon's reach, Dol, Ro, Tima, and Lucas discover that their uncontrollable emotions -- which they've always thought to be their greatest weaknesses -- may actually be their greatest strengths.


  1. Great pick! This one went on my wishlist as soon as I found it on Goodreads back in January.


  2. I already have this one on my to-read list and I can't wait to get my hands on it. Great pick!
    Come check out my WOW post.

  3. Ooh, sounds interesting. *drops on TBR-list*
    Great pick! Hope you enjoy it.

    Here my WoW: http://mycrazybookobsession.blogspot.se/2013/03/waiting-on-wednesday-19.html

  4. I stumbled across that recently, I am excited for it as well!
    My WOW

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

  5. I am really wanting to read this one! I haven't heard much about it, surprisingly.

    My WOW

  6. I hadn't heard of this one, but it does sound pretty interesting.

    Here's Mine @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews


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