10 April 2013

Blog Tour: Mortality by Kellie Sheridan Interview + Giveaway

Welcome to our stop on Kellie Sheridan's Mortality Blog Tour. Mortality is the first book in The Hitchhiker Strain series. End Dayz is a prequel to Mortality

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I am: An Irish-Canadian. A self-published author. A book blogger. A book marketer. An event planner. Happy.

The hardest, but most worthwhile thing I've ever done was: Moving to Ireland by myself.

The best part of my day is: Surprise kisses from my two dogs.

Something I am willing to fight for is: Animals. Last year I raised $8000 for my local humane society with my best friend. 

Something I have been challenged with lately is: Staying focused. I’ve become a little obsessed with YouTibe lately (I know, I’m a little late with that trend) and there’s so much to see. 

A song I always get stuck in my head is: Sommmeeebbbodddyyy (Somebody That I Used to Know – Gotye) 

Best cure for a bad day is: A good book 

Some wise words I love are: “I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.” – Dr. Seuss 

This month I will: Finish the second novella in a new series 

My go to uniform on a warm summer day is: Anything without sleeves. 

The age I will be on my upcoming birthday is: 25! Ack! 

The best birthday present ever would be: A trip to Australia or Greece. 

This weekend I will: Be at Ad Astra in Toronto 

A secret dream I have is to: Write for television 

I can't handle: Boredom. I start to nod off right away. 

The most annoying thing in the entire world is: Utensils scraping on plates. I hate that noise.

The most relaxing thing in the entire world is: The sound of rain and thunderstorms 

I think everyone should: Focus on the things that make them happy

After surviving a deadly plague outbreak, sixteen-year-old Savannah thought she had lived through the very worst of human history. There was no way to know that the miracle vaccine would put everyone at risk for a fate worse than un-death.

Now, two very different kinds of infected walk the Earth, intent on nothing but feeding and destroying what little remains of civilization. When the inoculated are bitten, infection means watching on in silent horror as self-control disappears and the idea of feasting on loved ones becomes increasingly hard to ignore.

Starving and forced to live inside of the abandoned high school, all Savannah wants is the chance to fight back. When a strange boy arrives with a plan to set everything right, she gets her chance. Meeting Cole changes everything. Mere survival will never be enough.

It's month after the dead first began to walk. The miracle vaccine that was supposed to save us all has failed.

Now, four teens fight to stay alive as a stronger, smarter breed of zombie begins to appear, threatening to end humanity for good.

Four short stories, 11,000 words total.

Prequel to Mortality

Purchase Links:
Mortality: Amazon • Barnes & NobleKoboiTunes
End Days: Amazon

One lucky reader can win a ebook copy of End Dayz by Kellie Sheridan. See rafflecopter below to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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