08 April 2013

Blood Awakening Blog Tour Kicks-Off Today!!! + Giveaway!!!

Today we are excited to kick-off Jamie Manning's blog tour for BLOOD AWAKENING. Blood Awakening is the sequel to Blood Born from the Blood Prophecy series. You can follow along the schedule HERE for the tour hosted by Once Upon a Twilight (that's us). Today we wanted to give you a chance to get to know a little bit better Jamie, Ava, Chance and Erik. Let see what happens when everyone sat down together to get interviewed. 

Author:Jamie Manning
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My name is Jamie and I am a writer.

I've always wanted to be a writer (like most writers, I'm sure) but not until the last few years have I taken it seriously (after I read a tiny, unknown book called Twilight). I was always told growing up that I had to get a job and take care of myself, so I pushed my dream of writing a book to the back of my mind and entered the workforce. Fast-forward many, many years and here I am, trying to make a go at it.

I stumbled across Blogger in 2010 and my world of writing exploded. I have met (via the web) so many amazing writers and industry professionals and book bloggers that have passed on their wisdom and experience and successes and failures. So many, in fact, that I have no excuse to sit down and write out the stories living in my head. Which is what I'm now attempting to do.

I enjoy reading more than most other things (well, except maybe for writing. And TV. No way am I giving up my TV) . I attempt to write YA (paranormal and dystopian) and I love it.

Blood Born, book one in The Blood Prophecy trilogy, was released by Pendrell Publishing April 24, 2012. Book two, Blood Awakening, is coming April 2013. 

OUaT: Welcome Jamie, Ava, Chance and Erik to OUaT. It’s exciting to have all four of you with us today to celebrate the Blood Awakening blog tour that kicks off today. Last year, Blood Born did really well and got lots of great praise. How do you think Blood Awakening will do? How do you like being a part of the Blood Prophecy series?
Jamie: Thanks for having us, Yara! And thanks again for all you’ve done in helping spread the word about my books. You’re the best! I can only hope that people who read and enjoyed BLOOD BORN will like BLOOD AWAKENING as well. Fingers crossed!
Ava: Hi, Yara! I’ve heard lots about you, so it’s nice to finally meet. I just have to say, it’s pretty weird knowing that other people are reading about the crap I’ve had to go through, you know? I can’t wrap my head around it just yet.
Erik: People love you, A.
Ava: (cuts her eyes at Erik) A? Um…no. (Erik smirks and leans back in his chair)
Chance: Hey, Yara. Pretty cool of you to do this. And I actually kinda like the fact our story’s being told. It’s good for people to know about the monster Sebastian is. (Ava smacks his arm) Hey! What the hell?
Ava: I told you not to bring up his name.
Chance: (clears his throat and shifts uncomfortably in his chair) Okay. Geez.

OUaT: Can you all give us your take on the cover of Blood Awakening? Which cover is your favorite so far in the series?
Erik: (crosses his arms) No comment.
Chance: (smirks) Pretty Boy’s upset he’s not on it.
Erik: And Dead Boy thinks he actually looks good.
Ava: And both of you are getting on my last nerve. (she smiles) And I hate that pic. I look so…ugh.
Erik: You look hot. (Chance glares at him). Calm down, Walking Dead.
Jamie: (glares at all of them) Maybe we could stick to the questions, guys? See what I have to deal with, Yara? I actually love the cover. All of them. The designer just sent me a mock-up of the last cover, and he’s done a great job on the entire series in showing Ava’s growth throughout each book. I couldn’t be happier with them.

OUaT: So can each of you think of a scene or part of the book the readers will love once they read Blood Awakening?
Jamie: I’m hoping the entire thing! ;-)
Ava: I really enjoyed going to Boston. That was a fun trip.
Erik: (leans toward Ava) Especially at the hotel.
Chance: (clears his throat and looks away) Next question.

OUaT: Jamie how did Ava, Chance and Erik behave during the writing process of Blood Awakening? Can you tell us who kept you up at night and who was a piece of cake to work with? Ava, Erik and Chance, you can cut in once you know what Jamie responds.
Jamie: Well, I think you can probably tell already how they behaved. (Ava, Chance and Erik all look up at the ceiling) Honestly, for the most part they were great. Ava, though she may not seem so, is a very outspoken young woman, who kept me up more than a few nights. (Ava smiles) The boys? Let’s just say they don’t shy away from expressing how much they dislike one another.
Erik: Well said, boss.
Chance: Yeah. Ditto.
Ava: (rolls her eyes) Is it any wonder I’m crazy? Seriously, with these two around, it’s never a dull moment.
Erik: (with a wicked grin) I’ve never been called dull, that’s for sure.
Chance: Then you’ve been talking to the wrong people.
Jamie: See?

OUaT: This question is for the Vampires, Ava & Chance. What has been the hardest part of Chance being a Vampire, Ava? And Chance, can we expect you to forgive Ava? Jamie, what's your two cents on this topic?
Ava: (looks down at the floor) He’s not warm anymore. (Chance reaches over and grabs her hand)
Chance: (still holding on to Ava). I know why she did what she did. (they both look at each other) I get it.
Jamie: Regardless of what happened, these two love each other. They understand, even at a young age, that forgiveness is important. In any relationship, whether it’s a romantic one or not, forgiveness can’t be avoided.

OUaT: In Blood Awakening, we know by reading the synopsis that you guys will take on Sebastian and Zyris. Is there anything you can share about that with us, or, explain it to someone who hasn't read any book in the series yet?
Erik: Sebastian’s a dead man.
Ava: Well, duh.
Erik: (stares at the wall) You know what I mean.
Chance: For once, Pretty Boy’s right.
Jamie: Sebastian isn’t all bad. (Everyone gives him go-to-hell looks) He’s not! Sebastian is just…obsessive. For decades, he’s dreamed about living in a world where he and his kind don’t have to hide, where they can walk freely amongst humans. Granted, that obsession has progressed into sociopathic violence, but at the heart of it all, he just wants acceptance.
Ava: Well, he’s not getting it. (Chance and Erik both smile)

OUaT: Alright, so enough with the heavy questions. Let's make these last questions fun. If you guys had the chance to hop into someone else's book for a day, which book would you choose and why? And if you can narrow it down even more, what scene? Jamie, this question goes for you, too. I personally would jump into Divergent and jump the train.
Jamie: Oh, definitely DIVERGENT. Though, I don’t know if I’d necessarily jump the train. I mean, if I had only one scene to choose, it’d have to be something a bit more…intimate. Just me and Four. ;-P
Ava: I wanna meet Officer After. (she blushes) Have you read GOING TOO FAR? Three words: Oh. Em. Gee.
Erik: Oh God. (Ava playfully smacks him on the arm) Seriously, this girl and her books.
Ava: Hey, I like to read. Not that I get to do it that often.
Chance: I’d like to be Harry Potter. In any of those books.
Erik: Why? So you can use your magic wand to make yourself good-looking?
Chance: So I could stupefy your ass and drop you off a cliff.
Ava: And, we’re back to Obnoxious Guy-ville. (she crosses her arms and legs and huffs) The happiest place on Earth.

OUaT: If you could ask Jamie for one small token or item to include in book 3, what would you ask for?
Ava: For all my friends to be okay.
Erik: Easy. This. (he slides his chair next to Ava and slips his hand into hers). No matter what else happens, I just want us to be us.
Chance: Cue the vomiting. (he looks away for a second) I just want…I wanna be human again.
Jamie: (smiling wickedly) I make no promises.

OUaT: Ok, one last question. Can each of you give us 5 words to describe Blood Awakening?
Jamie: I’ll use the tagline: Her destiny is already set…
Chance: Hell on Earth is real.
Erik: (still holding Ava’s hand) Love gets you through anything.
Ava: Life goes from bad to worse. (thinks a second) Oh wait, that’s six. (she smiles)

Find Blood Born (Book One of the Blood Prophecy) at: Amazon • Barnes & Noble
Coming soon you can order Blood Awakening (Book Two of the Blood Prophecy Series)
Publisher: Pendrell Publishing
Week 1:
4/8 -   Once Upon a Twilight - Conversation Interview
4/9 -   A Book Lovers Review - Review
4/10 - Simply Infatuated - Review
4/11 - Books with Bite - Review
4/12 - Writing, Stuff and Nonsense - Author Interview

Week 2:
4/15 - Winter Haven Books - Excerpt
4/16 - Live to Read - Character Interview
4/17 - Me, My Shelf and I - Review
4/18 - Reading Date - Excerpt/Teaser
4/19 - Nikki's Book Blog: Vamp and Stuff - Review

To begin the celebration of the upcoming release of BLOOD AWAKENING (4/23/13). Jamie created one killer giveaway that included several prizes from Jamie and Pendrell Publishing. 7 winners in total will be chosen. Check out the rafflecopter to see the amazing prizes you can win.a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I haven't read this book yet but it sounds great! Will put it on my TBR list!

  2. I haven't read it yet but really want to.

  3. Haven't read it yet, but sounds great!

  4. I haven't had a chance to read it yet but it does sound good :)

  5. I haven't read it yet but I want to. Sounds very good. Thanks for the giveaway.

  6. Hahaha, I so read the question wrong!! I thought it was "Have you already been blood born" Hahaha, it's been a long day!!

    Anyway, I haven't read it yet but both books do sound good =)

  7. No, I haven't but really do want to. Thank you for the giveaway =)

  8. I have not read it yet but I am looking forward to reading it soon.

  9. thanks for the great post and giveaway! I haven't read this series yet but it looks fantastic ;)

  10. I haven't but I would like to!

    mestith at gmail dot com

  11. I have not read it

    ctymice at gmail dot com

  12. I haven't read it yet but it sounds pretty good :)

  13. Not yet, but it's on my to-read

  14. No I haven't but I have been wanting to since it was released!

  15. No but I really really want to and I;ve made requests with my library, but they haven't gotten it. :( Not even online.

  16. No, I haven't read the book yet but the interview on the book sounds so wonderful.


  17. I haven't read Blood Born yet but it's on my TBR list now! Thank you for the giveaway!

  18. I haven't read any books in this series yet.

  19. I haven't read it yet but im dying to..It sounds so good!!! thanks for the giveaway!!!

  20. No, I haven't read it yet but I already bought in it have it ready to read! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  21. No I haven't, but hope I win a copy! :D
