Author: Jennifer E. Smith
Reading Level: YA
Genre: Contemporary
Released: January 2nd 2012
Review Source: PurchasedAvailable: Amazon

Summary: (from goodreads) Who would have guessed that four minutes could change everything?
Today should be one of the worst days of seventeen-year-old Hadley Sullivan's life. Having missed her flight, she's stuck at JFK airport and late to her father's second wedding, which is taking place in London and involves a soon-to-be stepmother Hadley's never even met. Then she meets the perfect boy in the airport's cramped waiting area. His name is Oliver, he's British, and he's sitting in her row.
A long night on the plane passes in the blink of an eye, and Hadley and Oliver lose track of each other in the airport chaos upon arrival. Can fate intervene to bring them together once more?
Quirks of timing play out in this romantic and cinematic novel about family connections, second chances, and first loves. Set over a twenty-four-hour-period, Hadley and Oliver's story will make you believe that true love finds you when you're least expecting it.
The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight might very well be the longest book title I've ever read lol! Book covers are always the first thing that catch my attention when it comes to books. I have to say I completely fell in love with this cover. It looks like a movie poster for an upcoming indie film. And the story actually doesn't fall far from the tree.
We first meet Hadley Sullivan while she's on her way to the airport to get on a plane that's going to London. I bet you think she's ecstatic to be flying out to London; nope her feelings are the total opposite. Her father is getting re-married. You would think that would be a happy event right? But no that's far from the truth. Not only has she never met her step mom to be, but she's also the sole reason her dad left her mother in the first place. So, now you can see why Hadley isn't exactly thrilled to be flying out to London.
The universe seems to be on her side because, by just four minutes she misses her flight. You wouldn't think that four minutes could have such a drastic change to a day she's been dreading but it does. Since she missed her flight she got booked for the next one. But, while waiting she meets the ever-so-dashing Oliver. As fate would have it, he's on the same flight. Not only that, but they are sitting in the same row! See, here's something you should know- I don't usually like to read books where the main character meets the love interest and two minutes later she/he is falling head over heels over said character. I can safely say that this book is nothing like that. Smith does write a love at first sight story, but it develops into something so much more. I love that Hadley & Oliver's story felt so real & never actually crosses over to cheesy. Smith did a wonderful job finding the perfect balance of the two.
The summary might lead you to believe that it's main focus is the romance, but really we deal with much more heavier stuff. Both Hadley & Oliver are dealing with family issues. Through their short journey they have helped each other out without realizing it. My only downside to this whole story would have to be with something that happens towards the end. Something so big shouldn't have ended so perfectly. It just wasn't realistic for me.
The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight is one roller coaster that I suggest getting on. It's a short, quick read that will have you turning the pages while smiling like a complete lunatic. If you're not a believer of love at first sight, I can pretty much guarantee that this book will change your mind.
I love the cover for this one-I just found the actual contents so emotional when I was expecting a much lighter story. I ended up feeling pretty miserable because of that.