
Excerpt & Giveaway: Elizabeth Norris' Undone & Unbreakable

Today we bring a treat for fans of Author Elizabeth Norris. Elizabeth Norris is the author behind the Unraveling series that contains Unraveling (#1), Undone (#1.5) and soon to be released on April 23rd is Unbreakable (#2). As you read in the title of this post, we are sharing an excerpt from Undone and a giveaway for a copy of Unbreakable

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Excerpt of the novella Undone by Elizabeth Norris:

Certain moments in my life are imprinted in my memory.
They’re easy to recall with perfect clarify whether I want to remember them or not. Any small thing can trigger them: a phrase, a smell, a thought. It brings everything back like I’m reliving that moment, a brief scene in the movie of my life, complete with how horrible I felt at the time. And I usually felt horrible in those moments, because for some reason it’s the moments that I want to forget that stick around.
Like in eighth grade when I had my first kiss with Jane Sheriden and my arm got stuck awkwardly between her head and couch: just thinking about it still makes me cringe. Or when Ms. Wittak caught me cheating in Algebra freshman year because I’d saved the formulas I needed to remember in a fake game on my graphing calculator, and she tore up my test in front of the whole class.
Then there were memories that were more significant.
The pivotal moments that changed everything.
Those I don’t want to forget. Now that I’ve had too much time to think about them, to replay them over and over again in my mind, they’re the things I wouldn’t take back, that I wouldn’t do over.
Because of Janelle.
She saved my life when we were ten. She anchored me by being who she was, and somewhere along the line, I fell in love with her.
In just about every significant moment in my life, she’s there. Whether she knew it or not.

Books of Wonder is running an exclusive pre-order event for readers. You can pre-order a signed copy of Unbreakable and get swag to go along with your order. Orders must be placed before April 23rd. CLICK HERE for details.

Thanks to Authors on the Web, we have one copy of Unbreakable by Elizabeth Norris to giveaway to anyone in the US or CA. See rafflecopter below. Read all terms and conditions. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. That definitely makes me excited to read Unbreakable! Yay! Thanks for the chance to win!

  2. I think the concept is great. I want to read it :).

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I LOVE THIS SERIES!!!!!!!!!!! *Crossing my fingers that I win!!!!

  5. I love this book! Read it from my library and totally enjoyed it!

  6. Thanks for the excerpt. I'm definitely interested in reading these books :)

  7. I'm definitely excited for this!

  8. I would love to read this series. It sounds really good. Thanks for the giveaway.

  9. I am reading the first book, Unraveling, right now so I honestly didn't read the excerpt in fear of spoilers:) Thanks for the chance to win! I'm sure I'll love this as much as I'm enjoying the first one. Thanks!

  10. I'm *dying* to read this series! Thanks for sharing!

  11. It sounds just like how I think about my memories. :) I'd love to read this!

  12. I read the first book and i loved it~ the excerpt from ben's POV just got me even more excited for the series!

  13. I loved Unraveling and I have not read Undone yet but I want to. This just makes me want to read it so much more! I can't wait to read Unbreakable.

  14. I had just read a review of Unraveling a few days ago and determined to read it, now I am even more excited because maybe I will win one!

  15. It's a very catchy excerpt. I think we all remember certain moments, sometimes decades past, that probably shaped our lives today. Thanks for the giveaway.

  16. Sounds very interesting! Memories can be crazy, that's for sure.

  17. Love the excerpt! It makes me want to read this book even more now! Thanks for sharing this and for the great giveaway!

    Suz Reads

  18. Awww... cute. I love love stories! Can't wait to read this!

    mestith at gmail dot com

  19. Definitely makes me want to read it more. :)

  20. Love, love, LOVE the excerpt! Ben is the epitome of swoon for me, and I can't wait to read a novella from his POV--and for Unbreakable!! :D

  21. The excerpt was amazing! <3 Thanks for the great giveaway!

  22. That was sweet! Wish all guys were like that.

  23. AMAZING! Ohhhh, I want to read it SO BAD NOW! Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. Love the excerpt, I really want to read Undone and see more of Ben's POV. And I can't wait for Unbreakable :)

  25. I loved the excerpt. This book sounds like a great read. Thanks for having the giveaway.

  26. Very exciting stuff! Can't wait :D


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