29 April 2013

It's Monday!! What Are You Reading???

It's Monday! What are you reading is hosted by One Persons Journey Through a World of Books. Each week we spotlight the books we are reading, planning on reading or just finished reading.


Currently Reading
Next In Line 

Note: Next In Line books are subject to change.

Tell Us What You Are Reading or Just Finished! 
Comment Below!!


  1. Your reading list is so much more interesting than mine. I've got a book on serial killers to get through and one on lab procedures for forensic chemistry. Want to trade?

  2. I am going to start reading Nantucket Blue by Leila Howland

  3. I'm reading Focus, book 2 of the Crescent Chronicles and Opal, book three of the Lux series.

  4. I just finished Poison by Bridget Zinn. I'm currently reading The City of Lost Souls. I'm trying to catch up on finishing series I started. Also I will be reading Paranormalcy(I'm going to reread it), Supernaturlly and Endlessly by Kiersten White.
