The Last Witch #3
Author: Elizabeth J. Kolodziej
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Released: September 26th 2012
Review Source: Author

Summary: (from goodreads) With Trent gone, Faith, the last witch in the world, feels she can not go on without him. The pain grows so intense that she shuts out her friends and loved ones to be alone; unsure of what to think about the paranormal world anymore. However, on a trip to see Gordon she realizes what she can do to make the pain go away. A spell.
But, the spell ends up back firing and Faith has now forgotten the past six months. All the memories of vampires, werewolves, and her magical training have vanished. And the first to find her is Louis who comes to whisk her away and change the course of her life forever.
Webs of lies and deceit have Faith feeling powerless and scared that when Louis gives her the option of becoming a slayer she takes it, hoping to get revenge on the race she believes stole the past six months of her life away. With the Goddess Circe interfering, Lilith still missing and Faith unable to remember Trent, no one knows what will happen next!
However, when a stranger enters her life bringing with him secrets to her missing memories, Faith can no longer trust those around her and must figure out for herself who is good and who is evil. The world of vampires and werewolves or that of slayers. The coin is still up in the air and Faith must make a choice of where her devotions lie.
Elizabeth never disappoints! WOW! Being as I read both books 1 and 2 much of the questions I had were answered in this book. I was urgently waiting on this book to be released due to the horrifying ending of Book two. I was so upset but when I began this book and realized where the author was taking this plot I was instantly hooked!! Elizabeth just keeps getting better and better with this series. There have been times where I have read a series and would stop mid series because it would just get redundant. But not The Last Witch Series, Oh NO! She just grabs from the beginning and takes you for a ride! I loved the mysteries and the awesome twist Witch Devotions had that once I was finished I couldn’t believe how good this book really was! Good Job Elizabeth!
I have grown to love all the characters in this series, yes I said all even Issacc. Since book one, Mac, Trent, Zou Tai and Morgan have stood by Faith and It’s nice to see them all back in Witch Devotions. It was a little nerve racking when the story took a huge turn for the worse but I think that’s what makes it the best out of the three. If I ever get to interview Elizabeth I would love to know who, what, or how did she come up with this fantastic story line because by far it’s my favorite. With not giving away too much, What will you do if the person your destined to live your entire life with, just dies. Trust me when I say you’ll want to get your hands on this series! It’s that good!
This author has become one of my favorites and not just because of this awesome series, but simply because of the way she writes. Her stories are mysterious, romantic, paranormal and witty and extremely well written. I can always count on Elizabeth’s stories to be a good one and can’t wait until the novella of Zou Tai comes out and a little birdy told me that book 4 was coming for The Last Witch Series?? Count me down for when that one’s released!! Overall, I highly recommend The Last Witch Series to everyone!
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