Gone #6
Author: Michael Grant
Reading Level: YA
Genre: Dystopian/Science Fiction
Released: April 2nd 2013
Review Source: HarperTeen
Available: Amazon

Summary: (from goodreads) It's been over a year since all the adults disappeared. Gone.
In the time since everyperson over the age of fourteen disap-peared from the town of Perdido Beach, California, countless battles have been fought: battles against hunger and lies and plague, and epic battles of good against evil. And now, the gaiaphage has been reborn as Diana's malicious mutant daughter, Gaia. Gaia is endlessly hungry for destruction. She yearns to conquer her Nemesis, Little Pete, and then bend the entire world to her warped will. As long-standing enemies become allies, secrets are revealed and unexpected sacrifices are made. Will their attempts to save themselves and one another matter in the end, or will the kids of Perdido Beach perish in this final power struggle?
Light, the sixth and final book in the New York Times bestselling Gone series by Michael Grant, creates a masterful, arresting conclusion to life in the FAYZ.
A scintillating conclusion to a series that has captivated readers. Renowned writer Michael Grant finishes off his best selling series with a fitting ending filled with anguish and emotions known for this gritty, action filled and emotional roller coaster writing style. Grant satisfies the readers with a story that answers all the questions. In Light, we still find evil running rampant throughout the world of Fayz. With inside of the dome now visable, the out side world finally sees the horrors that have befallen the Fayz kids. Gain continues her path of destruction while Sam and Caine try to save the world in their own ways. This book truly shows how Michael Grant has a knack for writing heart wrenching, emotional scenes in his novels.
Whether your a fan of sci-fi or tragic romantically heroes, Grant combines pretty much all aspects of a great novel into a very unique story. His characters each have their own realistic features, not one feeling shallow or dull. The pace in which he instills in his writing prevents the reader from putting the book down down for one second! Also with this being this conclusion in the dramatic series, Grant succeeds in fulfilling the reader's "hunger" for a great ending. An almost flawless book in terms of the overall package, Light leaves readers with full closure, and possibly the question of what would they do if in the same position.
Hey there Joshua. I read "Gone" last summer and LOVED it. Then I guess I just got caught up reading some of the B'zillion other incredible YA books out there because I sort of forgot about this series.
ReplyDeleteSo a big THANKS to you for reminding me that there's much more about the goings on in the FAYZ that I need to catch up on!!
Love this series.