
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Best/Worst Movie Adaptations

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This meme was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list complete with one of our bloggers’ answers. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND post a comment on our post with a link to your Top Ten Tuesday post to share with us and all those who are participating. If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment.

Top Ten today is about best or worse books to movies adaptation.
  • Twilight (2008): worse - Yes you read that right. I said it. As far as quality, Twilight was very badly made. You could tell it didn't have a big Hollywood budget. The scene were Edward runs up the hill is just horrible. The contacts were low grade and well you seem it and know. Now I am thankful we did get it because it gave us characters to visualize and started off the movie chain that later did produce amazing movies for the remainder of the books in the series. 
  • The Good Son (1993): best - As far as I can remember this was my first movie that I watched after I had read the book. This was around the time of my freshman year in high school. I absolutely loved the book and the movie captured the book perfectly. This pyscplogical thriller really left its mark with me. That even 20yrs later I still remember it.  
  • The Lovely Bones (2009): worse - The book version was a DNF and I gave movie a try but now I see why I didn't finish it. When children are murdered so violently, I just can't swallow that be it in a book or film. The movie also was just a bit to fictional for me.
  • Breaking Dawn Part 1 (2011) & Part 2 (2012): best - BD part 1 is my favorite out of all the Twilight saga films. Bill Condom capture every important part with perfection. The wedding was magical, the honeymoon gorgeous and Bella's pregnancy was Epic. The effects were crazy insanely good. I can watch that one over and over. Now BD part 2 had its epic moments too and that's why it shares the spot today. Bill Condom is genius!! The way he trick everyone with Alice's vision in making us believe it really was happening was OMG. I haven't felt pain or cried as hard as I did until I experienced that scene. I also applaud h for the end with the pages and celebrating each character that existed in the films. I still don't want to accept its over. FOREVER!!!
  • Beastly (2011): worse - This movie was just painful to watch. The actors had zero chemistry. The curse on his skin look painted on by a 5yr old. It was just a big flop for me. 
  • The Hunger Games (2012): best - this was a really great adaptation of a really great book. The characters were great and the visual was amazing. The actual hunger games arena was perfect and they did the violence in a tasteful way. Can't wait to see Catching Fire next. 
  • The Cat in the Hat (2003): worse - this adaptation of a children's classic was just crazy. It made no sense. Yea colors were vibrant but acting was dull. I also though it was a bit mature for the kids. 
  • The Da Vinci Code (2006): best - I really enjoyed watching the book play out on the big screen. Tom Hanks does a great job as Robert Langdon. 
  • Flowers in the Attic (1987): worse - as a huge fan of this book and V. C. Andrews, I was extremely disappointed by this adaptation. Many of us read this novel as teenagers and when the film came our were just shocked. The main topic of the book was completely removed from the film. If you do that then don't call it by the same name. Maybe someone in Hollywood will remake this book and showcase its greatness. 
  • The Host (2013): best - I will defend this adaptation all the way. Many didn't like the movie and as a person that actually read the novel, I believe they did a really good job adapting the book. The effects and visuals are awesome. The chromed out vehicles are my favorite. I'd love to own one myself. The way they did Wanda and Melanie as one really was nailed. Honestly the movie as a whole was great and today the DVD is on sale, so ill be picking up my copy for sure.

*this post was completed from cell via the app, so excuse the simplicity of it. Im away from home and haven't had decent Internet. Thanks and I hope you liked my list today. 


  1. I completely agree with you about the first Twilight movie! I watched it not long ago and OH MY GOSH IT WAS SO BAD! I haven't watched the other movies though but I've heard they're much better. I absolutely LOVE The Hunger Games movie I'm so obsessed with it. If it's okay I would recommend watching/reading Silver Linings Playbook. It's a really amazing book and movie (even though the movie is different than the book). :)

  2. HAHA Everytime Twilight is on TV now I roll my eyes ... Corbin turns it on just to taunt me. Sometimes it is good to go back to the beginning and just see how far we've come but WOW was it awful! No offense to Catherine, I think she could have done more with more money but ugh ... BD 1 & 2 definitely my favs though I love BD 1 cause of the wedding and honeymoon (nailed it!)

    As for the rest of the list I can't agree or disagree as I've not seen most of these but for Hunger Games I DEFINITELY Agree!!!!!! Even Corbin loved it and he's hard to please!

  3. Breaking Dawn Part 1 is my favorite, too! Part 2 on the other hand...complete train wreck.

    Here's Mine @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews

  4. I completely agree about The Hunger Games. While I prefer the book, I thought the film was still an excellent adaptation.

    The Host is on my list to watch. I thought the book was much better than Twilight, so I'm hopeful about the film too.


  5. Couldn't agree more with what you had to say about The Lovely Bones-didn't necessarily enjoy the storyline. Hunger Games was a wonderful film adaptation and shot beautifully! We can't wait to see our favorite female heroine back in action!

    xoxo Shy Town Girls


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