We are extremely excited to be a part of this fantastic event called 'Addicted to NA'. We recently posted about the official kick-off HERE. Today though we are spotlighting on a single New Adult author, which happens to be one of my favorites YA authors, Lisa Desrochers (Personal Demons) will be releasing her first New Adult novel Tuesday, Sept. 17th 2013 from William Morrow/HarperCollins I don't know about you, but I am super excited about A Little Too Far!
Have you ever gone just a little too far?
Lexie Banks has.
Yep. She just had mind-blowing sex with her stepbrother. In her defense, she was on the rebound, and it’s more of a my-dad-happened-to-marry-a-woman-with-a-super-hot-son situation. But still, he’s been her best friend and confidant for the better part of the last few years … and is so off limits. It’s a good thing she’s leaving in two days for a year abroad in Rome.
But even thousands of miles away, Lexie can’t seem to escape trouble. Raised Catholic, she goes to confession in hopes of alleviating some of her guilt … and maybe not burning in hell. Instead, she stumbles out of the confessional and right into Alessandro Moretti, a young and very easy-on-the-eyes deacon … only eight months away from becoming a priest. Lexie and Alessandro grow closer, and when Alessandro’s signals start changing despite his vow of celibacy, she doesn’t know what to think. She’s torn between falling in love with the man she shouldn’t want and the man she can’t have. And she isn’t sure how she can live with herself either way.
Interview w/ Lisa Desrochers!
OUaT: Tell us what your book is about in 140 characters or less.
ALTF is about a girl who falls for her stepbrother, and thinks escaping to Rome for a year abroad will be the answer to her problems…only to find forbidden love there too.
OUaT: Is this book part of a series?
Yes. It’s the first in the A LITTLE TOO FAR series from HarperCollins/William Morrow, which is slated to be at least three books.
OUaT: What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?
I don’t usually find my own writing funny, but there’s a scene where my protag goes to church to confess that had me ROFL the whole time I was writing it. It still makes me laugh every time I read it. But, honestly, the sex scenes are my favorites. I usually write them first ;-)
OUaT: What’s your most embarrassing moment?
You only want one? Okay…there was this guy I dated in high school. I went to his house for dinner one night to meet his parents. It was painfully awkward, and when it was finally time to leave, the latch to the door stuck and I couldn’t get it open. After a few tries I said, “Oh my God! Let me out of here!” I was never invited back. He’s married to my best friend now. O_O
OUaT: What is your most treasured possession?
I’m not a big fan of Burger King, but, like, fifteen years ago, I went there every day for over a week until I got a kid’s meal with the MEN IN BLACK Neuralyzer. It’s the coolest thing I own.
OUaT: Do you write on a typewriter, computer, dictate or longhand? Or something else?
Laptop. Though, a lot of things come to me when I’m not where I can write, and I usually scribble notes longhand on whatever scrap of paper is handy, so there’s always a few of them cluttering my loveseat.
OUaT: What is your daily routine like?
Before I started writing, I never would have considered myself a workaholic. But I love to write, so I do it all the time. Usually, I roll out of bed between six thirty and seven and head straight to the laptop. I might remember to grab something for lunch, but I eat at my computer and work (writing/revising) until my kids start asking what’s for dinner. After dinner, I’ll work until bedtime, which is usually around midnightish. I’ll sneak a few visits to Twitter or Facebook in there somewhere, usually when my eyes start to cross from looking at manuscripts for hours on end, but my deadlines are too tight now to spend the hours on social networks that I used to.
OUaT: Do you proofread/edit all your own books or do you have someone to do that for you?
I am always my first editor. When I finish a first draft, I spend the entire next day reading from beginning to end to be sure it all holds together.
OUaT: What’s it like working with your editor?
My editor is truly amazing. She never sends an email (or a Tweet) without a smiley face in it, and every single revision she’s asked me to make has made my books better, even though I might not have been able to see it at first.
OUaT: Tell us about the cover/s and how it/they came about.
I am so totally in love with my A LITTLE TOO FAR cover! The Harper Art Department are my favorite people right now. They send a few artwork proofs and my agent, editor, and I were able to chose the one that fit the book best.
OUaT: What does “New Adult” mean to you?
I take it pretty literally. I think it’s the time in a person’s life when they’re newly adult, out there in the world for the first time trying to survive without the safety net of parents, etc. There is a tremendous amount of growth and self-discovery that happens in the teen years, but I truly believe a person becomes who they’re going to be when the checks and balances are gone, and they are solely responsible for making decisions that will possibly shape the rest of their lives…and then reaping the consequences of those decisions.
OUaT: Favorite New Adult book?
There are a lot of great ones, but the one that’s stuck with me for a while is RULE, by Jay Crownover.
OUaT: What New Adult book is on top of your TBR pile?
SLAMMED, by Colleen Hoover.
OUaT: Did you always want to be a writer?
Before five years ago, if you told me I’d write a book, I’d have laughed in your face. Turns out, I’d owe you an apology.
OUaT: What were you like in school? Were you good in English?
I plead the fifth.
OUaT: What was the first work you had published?
PERSONAL DEMONS (Tor Teen/Macmillan) published in 2010. It was the book that scored me my omnipotent uber-agent, and she sold it a few months later.
OUaT: White wine or red?
Red. Cabernet.
OUaT: Coffee or tea?
Tea, unless it’s a mocha.
OUaT: Vanilla or chocolate ice-cream?
Here is a fun three truths/one lie post from an agent of New Leaf Literary & Media:
Suzie Townsend (Agent, New Leaf Literary & Media)
- I've had six dogs over my lifetime, including four at one time.
- I had to call the parents of one of my students to tell them he was being suspended for bringing a birthday cake to school for one of his friends. It was shaped and decorated like a penis.
- Two weeks ago, Joanna Volpe gave me a gin based drink at a party and I got so drunk that I walked out in the middle of Cards Against Humanity. The next thing I remember I was laying on my bathroom floor.
- I have eleven toes. My left foot has an extra baby toe.

Lisa lives in central California with her husband and two very busy daughters. She adores books that take her to new places, specifically JRR Tolkien’s LORD OF THE RINGS and A SEPARATE PEACE by John Knowles, as well as contemporary authors like Melissa Marr, Kristin Cashore, Jay Asher, and Suzanne Collins.
In addition to working full time as a physical therapist, Lisa has made time for writing, including her debut series, PERSONAL DEMONS (Tor teen). She is also working on a New Adult series entitled A LITTLE TOO FAR (William Morrow, 2014).
I like NA because it highlights that crossover time from teenage years into adulthood. Sure, you're past the horrible hormones, but now you have this sense of being an adult, and confusion of adult boundaries and taking responsibility, and exploring who you want to be and who you want to be with! It's tumultuous and sweet.
ReplyDeleteI've really started to enjoy the NA genre b/c a lot of great new authors have created some very original, dramatic and romantic stories. These are a wonderful bridge from YA to adult. We can see the characters "grow up" but in an adult/mature setting. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
ReplyDeleteForbidden love is my favorite!
ReplyDeleteNA is great because it is such an exciting and exploratory time in life and it's a great way to escape and discover this time once again through the eyes of the characters. :)
NA is great because I can relate since I'm in the age range that the authors right about. :D