07 August 2013

A Message from Yara

Hey everyone,

First, I want to say Thank You to everyone that has emailed, tweeted or Facebook me with Get Well Soon wishes.

An update was posted that I was under the weather on Monday but in case you missed it, Ill explain what has been going on.

On Friday was the first day I felt off, when I say off I meant off balance but I took a nap and was fine after that. Then Saturday came around and the world crashed on me. I was disoriented, nauseous and even had severe vomiting all day long. I thought I ate something bad and got food poisoning. Then Sunday comes around and I still feel as the world is spinning around me and I cant stop it, the vomiting was stopped with meds but the sipping sensation was going strong. So this made me think it wasn't food poisoning. It was something else completely. Monday again I'm laid out and cant move or anything because I'm off-balance and still spinning but at least I'm holding down jello, apple sauce and liquids. So finally on Tuesday I made it to the Dr.'s and it turns out what I thought was wrong finally was the culprit. I had my first case of Vertigo ever. Vertigo is HORRIBLE, I don't wish it on anyone. The Dr. discovered I have a ruptured ear drum and infection. My iron level are also low, so with that being said I am now on medications and Im starting to fell better but the spinning sensation comes and go and when I take the medication for the spinning it makes me woozy. But I am finally on the mend. ( I hope). If the medication I'm taking dont correct it then Ill have to visit an ENT Dr. to find out what exactly is causing the Vertigo if its not the ruptured ear drum.

So the reason behind this email is to ask everyone to be patient with me as I recover from this. Its very hard to sit here right now and type and focus on keys and computer screen when all my eyes want to do is bounce back and forth rapidly. If I missed a schedule post, I AM TRULY SORRY and will work with you once I am 100% to make up for the missed post. I promise you that once I am full functional again, the site will be back to what its normal routine. I haven't even been able to read since Friday, that's 5 days of no reading. That's a record for me, The most I have gone without reading before was 3 days max. Its eating me inside that I cant focus and read my books.

You might wonder why someone else doesn't cover for me, well because its my fault. Yes I do have a team but have always been afraid of opening up the site for anyone else to edit or add to. I did have a co-blogger for meme posts but she moved on to handle her own craft site and work and that put me back at posting everything again you see go up. The site is my baby and I guess I have an anal way of handling it. But this has taught me that I should have those on my team that want and can understand blogging to give them permission to add or make changes. Maybe its time to let others help me after 3 years. Its get harder and harder to do all the postings myself when I have a million other things to do.

To my team, thanks for helping me when I asked for help during these days, it was really appreciated, you guys are AWESOME and I heart you all. For the authors and publishers, thanks for being patient. I have spoken with some of you and your words have been sweet. To OUaT readers, you guys are the core of this site and without you no one would be reading this site. So just be a little more patient with me and I hope come Monday if not sooner, I will be back 100% and that means OUaT will be too.


p.s. Sorry for any typos I missed after spell check, like I mentioned its very hard to focus when my eyes feel like the room is spinning.


  1. Get well soon! The thing you should absolutely concentrate on is your health first and foremost. Take care.


  2. I'm so sorry that you have to deal with that, Yara. I busted an eardrum many years ago and I'll never forget that awful, awful feeling. Take care of yourself and we'll be patiently waiting until you're all better.

  3. I'm so sorry that you have to deal with that, Yara. I busted an eardrum many years ago and I'll never forget that awful, awful feeling. Take care of yourself and we'll be patiently waiting until you're all better.

  4. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with that, Yara. I busted an eardrum many years ago and I'll never forget that awful, awful feeling. Take care of yourself and we'll be here patiently waiting until you're all better.

  5. Hope you feel better soon! Vertigo sucks!!! I get it because of Meniere's disease which causes dizziness, hearing loss, ringing in the ears and so on. It gets worse at times, especially if I have an ear infection or a lot of fluid on my inner ear. Take care of yourself :)

  6. aww just get well soon girl. no worries, we'll still be here waiting for your next post :D

  7. Oh so sorry to hear about this! Hopefully this is a one-time thing and that the meds have gotten it all fixed up. It's a repetitive thing for me so I know how badly it can take you down. Feel better! A dark, quiet room often helps as does finding which side to lie on that makes you less dizzy.
