28 August 2013

Blog Tour: Unafraid | Melody Grace | Excerpt | Giveaway

Welcome to our stop on the Unafraid blog tour for Melody Grace. This tour is hosted by InkSlinger PR. Today we share with you an excerpt from Unafraid plus a chance to enter the great giveaway associated with the blog tour. 

      “That was quite some scene.” 
      A guy’s voice comes from behind me, amused. 
      “Leave me the hell alone,” I snap, not turning. I’m not in the mood to deal with any more bullshit tonight—especially not from some guy who heard the whispers and figures I’m an easy score. “This is private property.” 
      There’s a low hum of laughter. “The Brit I knew never cared about that.” My heart stops. 
      It can’t be, I tell myself. Not here, not again, after all this time. 
      But it is. I know the truth even before I brace myself and turn. I’d recognize that voice anywhere: the low, sexy drawl that echoes in my dreams, smooth as honey and sweet as the night we shared together, three long years ago. 
      Hunter Covington. 
      He grins at me across the rooftop, hair glinting dark gold in the setting sun. “And you always said, nothing exciting ever happens in this town.” 
      My heart pounds as I stare at him, disbelieving. He’s leaning in the doorway, casual as can be. A ghost, a relic, a memory I’ve clung to through dark nights and desperate days.
      I never thought I’d see him again. 
      My legs give way beneath me, and I clutch at the back of the lawn chair for support. 
     “You’re here,” I breathe. 
      “I’m here,” he agrees, and fixes me with a crooked, heartbreaking smile. 
      Everything falls away.
      The bar, the rejection letter, Trey—it all dissolves under Hunter’s piercing gaze. My eyes devour him hungrily. He’s older now, we both are, but somehow I’ve been carrying the picture of who he used to be. The boy he was, not the man he’s so clearly become. There’s power to his athletic body now, clear in the broad frame of his shoulders, the muscles beneath his preppy Oxford shirt. His blonde hair falls over his golden skin, blue eyes still blazing like the brightest summer sky I’ve ever seen. 
      I feel an ache slice through me, longing, and pure bittersweet regret. Just one night, that’s all I had with him, but somehow, it’s meant more to me than anything else in my life since. I thought in time it would fade, that I would feel those feelings with some other guy, that I would dilute Hunter’s power with a hundred other kisses, dozens of other bodies and lips and hands. 
      I was wrong. 
      He’s still the only one. The one guy I let slip through my defenses. The one guy who shared my pain. 
      The man I walked away from, before he could have a chance to break my heart.

About the Book
The first time I saw her, I knew this girl was wilder than any stallion I’d ever trained. She was headstrong, wounded, passionate and free. And I had to have her…”

Brittany Ray doesn’t care about her bad reputation. Growing up in a sleepy beach town with a junkie mom and a runaway dad, Brit’s learned the hard way that the people you love will only let you down. It’s no use hoping for love or happiness. Some dreams aren’t meant for girls like her.

Hunter Covington is one of those dreams.

Gorgeous, charming Hunter is damn near perfect—and it’s killing him. Son of Charleston royalty, he’s been trapped in a gilded cage since the day he was born. Now he’s breaking free. He’s quit law school to restore his grandpa’s old horse ranch, trying to soothe the demons in his soul. But Beachwood Bay is full of old ghosts, like the mysterious girl who spent an unforgettable night with him—and then slipped away before dawn. Brit.

Everything about her screams danger, but Hunter doesn’t care: he’s never felt a connection so deep. And try as she may, Brit can’t resist the desire consuming her —or the safety she finds in Hunter’s arms.

A reckless passion. An undeniable bond. Scarred by their pasts, Brit and Hunter fight to heal old wounds. But will dark secrets tear apart their new beginning? And when love is the biggest risk of all, can they find the courage to face the future unafraid?


About the Author
Melody Grace is the USA Today bestselling author of UNBROKEN and UNTOUCHED. A small-town girl turned SoCal beach-lover, she spent years with her nose in a book before deciding it was time to write them for herself. She loves bad boys, good books, and pistachio-flavored ice-cream.


  1. I love the fact that the tables have turned and its the female character thats dangerous and the guy that needs to be careful :)

  2. I want to read Unafraid because Hunter sounds like such a rock-solid guy.

  3. The entire thing description just calls to me. I love that Hunter isn't the typical rich character that wants the girl and feels her should get her because he is used to getting what he wants!

  4. I love the description and I love books written around dark secrets and mysterious one-night stands.

  5. I've been wanting to read Melody Grace's books for a while now. Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. I still have to read Unbroken, which I have and hope to get to very soon!

  7. I've heard great things about this author, and anything set at the beach is good with me! :)
