19 August 2013

Extra! Extra!: Chapter by Chapter | Vampire Academy | Weekly Discussion Series

Hi everyone! My name is Paige and I'm the owner of Vampire Academy fansite, Her Royal Guardian. Yara asked me to write this to post to tell you about our exciting new series starting this week called Chapter by Chapter!

In the lead up to the Vampire Academy movie in February, Her Royal Guardian, will be hosting a weekly discussion series. As there are 24 weeks between now and February, and 24 chapters in Vampire Academy book 1, every Wednesday several VA fansites (including OUaT's sister site Red Carpet Endings) will discuss their thoughts and predictions on how they think each chapter will translate onto the big screen. We'll be talking scenes and characters, sharing what scenes we think might be cut as well as what our must have quotes are.

We'd love for to join us in with the discussion! All you have to do is reread the chapter for that week, and then be ready to discuss the chapter on our site.

And if you haven't read the book yet, why not start reading it this week (you'll love it, it's awesome!) and join in the discussion as you read it? Or you can bookmark the our posts for later, just don't forget to check it out once you've the chapter! You can also follow Her Royal Guardian on twitter so you don't miss any updates.

Chapter 1 will be starting this Wednesday (August 21). We can't wait to start discussing Vampire Academy with you!

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